Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
"Itsy Bitsy Spider? More like Itsy Bitsy Loneliness."

"Bye Katsuki" I say raises my hand to wave and his feet stopped. I see him bend forward in irritation and anger before turning his heels and rushing to me, grabbing my wrist lifted in the air, beginning to drag me down the hall.

"Youre starting to piss me off. Who are you to say bye to me? Im taking you back to the principal office where you belong" He groaned dragging me down the hall,

"Okay! Okay! You dont have to tug my arm so hard!" I whined.

-y/n pov-

After Katsuki dragged me back to the principal office and told my mom what happened... you can say that the car ride back home wasnt fun. Kazue got in the most trouble, but I also got in trouble as Kazue wasnt fully to blame for what happened. Unfortunately, like always, Kazue made it seemed like he was the only one getting yelled at, making him storm the house and going to his bedroom to probably cry like a baby.

In the end, mom had to talk to dad about what happened, and we both got grounded. Which, honestly, did nothing for me. I dont think how much you look at it, Im kind of grounded 24/7. Kazue had his phone taken away, while I didnt even had one to begin with, and we werent allowed to leave the house.

It was only getting colder, meaning my window needed to be shut or else id end up getting a cold. So, I didnt end up seeing Katsuki all weekend or anyone else for that matter. I often checked my window to see if Katsuki's was open, in hopes to speak to him, but each time I checked it was closed.

On Monday I caught a glimpse of him leaving his house on the way to school that morning, but with my online classes starting soon and not wanting to get in his way, I wasnt able to speak to him.

Despite Katsuki's harsh and foul words, I felt like we got along a lot better than I have with other kids. His words sometimes harsh, but then again, the only people whom have ever talked to me nicely was adults. These adults being my parents and Katsuki's parents.

At first, it really bothered me when I saw Kazue being allowed to hang out with friends, something I had no knowledge on. As time went by, though, I've come to accept my loneliness, but for some reason, after speaking to Katsuki only a few times that same loneliness has crawled back up on me. This feeling began to swell inside of me and I could feel it weighing me down.

I let out a small sigh as mom walked next to me in the supermarket. I've been cooped up in the house for over 5 days now, meaning its been almost a week since doing to Aldera Junior High, so mom decided we should go shopping to restock more food.

"What do you want for dinner?" She hummed as she held a cart as I followed her around,

"I dont know" I say with a shrug,

She looks over me with a small sad smile, "How about f/f (favorite food)?" I shrugged again,

"Dad doesnt really like it, nor does Kazue" I speak and I watch as she laughs,

"Who cares?" She bends down to grab a hold of my hand to drag me along to a section where we would find f/f. She grabs some and place them in the basket. "They cant always get what they want, can they?" She gives me one of those really contagious laughs that makes me smile.

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