Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
"Sleepy Y/n"

"I say its fate" Mitsuki says and M/n nods, giving a blushing happy smile.

"Oh great. Im leaving before this somehow takes a turn to me" Katsuki says as he jumps off the counter, moving to throw the apple away that he had finished not that long ago.

"Oh-ho-ho," Mitsuki smirks as she grabs on to Katsuki's shirt, "What is this I hear?"

"Lets me go you cow!" He yells, his hands popping with tiny explosions as he tried to get out of his mom's grasp.

"Dont think you can get away now Katsuki Bakugou!" She pulls him again and he continued to struggle against his mother. "Lets have a talk!" she snickers and Katsuki seems to break away,

"Hell no!" He yells before running out of the room, Mitsuki laughing as she could hear him race up the stairs. M/n smiles as she could get a small grip, of understanding, on what had just happened.

"Should I start calling you sister?" M/n asked and Mitsuki turns her head to m/n before they both laughed.

-y/n pov-

A soft noise fills my ears as I began to wake from my slumber. My eyes opening slowly before my hands moved to rub my eyes, "Youre finally awake?" I hear Katsuki's voice as I stretched my arms. I seem to push my body up to look at the end of the bed where Katsuki was sitting in the corner as his laptop was set in front of him. His red eyes didnt look at me as they stared at the screen as I continue to hear noise come out from the video.

Despite both of us sitting on top of a twin bed, there was a good amount of distance between us as I was congregated up to the top of his bed and I usually slept in a curled ball. He was leaning his back against the wall as his bed was pushed up against the wall, his right leg was stretched out while his left leg was bent and tucked away under his right leg.

"No" I respond as his red eyes shift to me, connecting with my green ones. I move my body and I crawl over to Katsuki to see the laptop screen, "What are you watching?"

"A movie-" His words seem to stop as I had slowly laid my body down, placing my head on his left leg, "Hey- what the hell do you think youre doing?" He asked moving his hand to push my head but I dont budge as I curled up almost tempted to fall back asleep. "get the fuck off of me"

"Im tired" I mumble as he seemed to let out an irritated growl,

"How? Youve been sleeping all day!" He barked pushing my head again, "Also, im not your damn pillow! if youre going back to sleep go back to the other side of the bed, dumbass!"

"But its warmer over here" I mumbled again as my eyes closed. I turn my body so my face was facing him now as I snuggled in, prepared to fall asleep. Despite his hand pushing my head, it was soft and barely moved my head. If he really wanted me to get off he could have kicked me off by now or actually push me off. "Ill make you something sweet tomorrow... Kay?" I muttered out, which instantly made his hand stop.

"Like those cookies you make?" He asked as I smile before nodding my head. Despite Katsuki not seeming like a sweet tooth and his favorite food being spicy anything, he apparently really liked my homemade cookies.

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