Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"I cant believe you asked me" I look down and fiddle with my fingers as I was a little too overjoyed about this.

"Calm down, short stack" He says moving his hand closest to me and pressed it on my forehead to push my head back. "Im not paying you and youre doing this for free. Its one of my favor points" He speaks and I laugh as my hand moves up to remove his hand from my head. I held his hand in between both of my hands as I smile brightly.

"Im just really happy you want me to design it. I dont care about the money or the favor points. I'm just so happy you want me to do it" I beamed and he looks over at me, his hand still in both of mine.

He scoffed before smirking, "If thats so, guess the favor being used up will change to you baking me cookies again" He spoke and I laugh while sweat dropping.

"If thats what you want"

-y/n pov-

I looked outside the window, my invisible tail wagging as I was extremely happy it wasnt snowing outside. New years was something of an iffy thing for me to celebrate. I was normally not allowed outside when it was snowing, so if it snowed or if there was snow outside on new years, I was forced to stay inside.

"Why are you so excited?" Katsuki asked as he was sitting on the couch waiting. Mitsuki and Masaru was also sitting on our couch, as they waited. We were all ready to go to walk down to the shrine, but were waiting for mom, dad, and Kazue to get ready.

"I didnt get to go to the shrine last year" I say as I back up from the window. I wore a long button up jacket that went down to the middle of my thighs, and a pair of jeans. I already had the gloves I never returned to Katsuki and a cute yellow beanie snugged on top of my green hair which flowed behind me. "It was snowing up north and I'm not allowed out in the snow" I further explained.

Katsuki was wearing a black parka with jeans, wearing a red scarf and gloves, as he looked over at me. "Sorry for the wait" Mom says as she comes out, fully dressed. Kazue and dad following after her. Mitsuki and Masaru stands up with a smile.

"Lets get going" Mitsuki says and mom smiles.

We walked in groups. Mom and Mitsuki, Katsuki and I, and the last 3 guys of the group. It wasnt long before we found the new years festival going on, which lit up town. "Remember! We are all meeting up at the shrine later on!" Mom says as her and Mitsuki breaks off from us.

I smile and wave as they left our field of view. We continued walking on, looking at places and going to places that they wanted to go to. I followed them around as time went on. Suddenly something caught my eye and I stop, turning my head to look.

It was a Taiyaki stand, I turned my head back around "hey can we-" I stopped as I looked around, but all the faces around me were unfamiliar. "Oh no" I say suddenly as I looked around me again. I move my hand to my pocket, going to grab my phone and call Katsuki, but my pocket was empty which suddenly reminds me my phone was at home in my bedroom- charging.

I bent down to the ground as I covered my eyes. I let out a groan as I couldnt believe I forgot my phone. "Its okay" I sigh to myself as I stand up, trying to ignore the weird looks I was getting, "I just have to look for them. They wont be that hard to spot" I say to myself as I began to walk around, searching for any familiar face.

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