Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
"Pain from someone too sweet and pretty"

"Tsuki said he wont become my friend unless I pass the UA exams!" The two mothers begins to laugh together and I looked at them with a confused face, "Whats so funny?"

"Thats so like him" Mitsuki says smiling as she walks over to the sink and began to wash her hands,

"its a good thing youre going to pass" Mom says with a sweet smile and I nod,

"Of course. I mean I was going to pass to begin with, but now im going to make sure I pass with flying colors!" I say puffing out my cheeks in irritation, "Thats if dad even lets me take the exams"

"Its been a few months since youve last fainted," Mom speaks up as she picks up another potato to peel. Mitsuki walks over to grab the potatoes that were already pealed, "It proves to your father and I that you know your limits and that you can be reasonable enough to go out on your own. If you keep up the good work and the doctor gives you the okay, your father will allow you. Just continue keeping up the amazing work"

"I will" I brighten up as Katsuki walks back in the house. Katsuki stops to look at me and I give him an eye closed smile. He gives me a weird look,

"How about you two give us a hand?" Mitsuki says with a smile and I nod,


"Looks like I dont have a choice" Katsuki says with a groan.

"Good answer" Mitsuki says with a smile,

"Can it, hag" he grumbled out

-Y/n pov-

Mom and I walked down the isles as we were buying groceries. I was planning to get some stuff to make a strawberry-pretzel salad as I really wanted Katsuki to try it. He wasnt much of a sweet person but he agreed to try it if I made it. "Im going to grab the whip cream" I say to mom and she nods,

"Be careful, okay?" she says as I nod and rush off to the colder section of the supermarket. I walked down the section where I think I remember last seeing it, my feet stops when I see a familiar looking woman.

Her short and straight green hair flowed behind her, a small part of it was pulled up into a bun to keep her hair out of her face. She wore a pink sweater with a white interior, and a blue skirt. Its her again. Its been over a month since I've last seen her, but I could still remember every single detail about her. Her round cream pale face with big green eyes. I couldnt understand this feeling that bubbled in my stomach.

My eyes slowly drop and my feet begins to move. There were times I oftened wondered about my real mother. It wasnt because I didnt love m/n, I loved her so much and I couldnt have asked for a better mother. Even so, I still wondered.

There were times where I asked dad who my mom was, but he would always push the question away and ignore me. Apparently when I was young, when dad married in the l/n family, instead of M/n taking my father's last name, both him and I took their last name. I was still a baby, so the choice of my last name being changed was never up for me to decide, but I believe I still have a right to know. He'll never tell me though, nor will he ever tell me why exactly he doesnt want to tell me.

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