Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"Hello Neighbor!"

-Y/n pov-

"Mama!" I say as I walk into the living room. My stepmother, M/n l/n, stood in the living room putting pictures up on the wall. Her h/c hair twists as her head turns to me and shes gives me a warm smile,

"You finished setting up your room, baby?" She asked as I nod and walk over next to her leg. She turns to me and bends down, brushing a piece of my green hair behind my ear as she gives me a short little peck on one of my freckles that dusted my cheeks.

"Wanna come see?" I asked as I move my tiny hands to grab hers, beginning to pull her and she laughs as she stands up to follow me. My bedroom was pretty plain and simple as it contained what most junior high kid needed. The only difference from other plain bedrooms, I had lightly decorated the bedroom with plants and plant themed items. "I did it all by myself!" I boosted as I stood in the middle of the room, proud of my work. A stack of flat broken down boxes leaned up against the wall off to the side of us.

Mama claps her hands as she smiles brightly, "Oh wow~ Y/n, you did such an amazing job! Im so proud of you!" She says as she comes over to me quickly, scooping me up in her arms as she hugs me tightly. "Have you hit your limit on your quirk today?" she asked as she began to walk outside of the room. I shake my head no,

"Nope! Do you want me to help put up pictures?" I asked and she nuzzles her nose into my cheek as she kisses me,

"Yes please!" She says as she walks into the living room again before setting me down. I walk over to the box, that was open, sitting on the couch. "Just remember, dont push yourself too hard okay baby?" She says as I pick up two picture frames and hand one over to her before using my telekinesis quirk to begin hanging the pictures.

Today was officially our first day in Musutafo, Japan, as we had just moved down here from up north. Dad, Hisashi L/n, had gotten a new promotion which was located farther south of where we lived. It make it easier for him, we all decided that moving was the best choice.

In the end, it all really worked out as Kazue, mama's second kid who was also the same age as I, wanted to attend UA academy to become a pro hero. He wasnt the only one though, I also wanted to go to UA to take the hero course. Unfortunately, my chances of being allowed and then getting accepted was extremely low.

See, I was different from most kids. Despite being born with an amazing and powerful quirk, I was also born with a weak body. I was easily tired out and if I push my body too much, I end up collapsing. The dangerous part of all of this was collapsing. I could easily collapse and hit my head which could lead to brain damage or even putting me in comas.

Thankfully, there were ways to improve my body strength. Taking medication and training my body to become stronger. I was lucky to have mama as she was the only one who had faith in me unlike my two brothers and dad.

Mama was a stay at home mom as I wasnt allowed to go to actual school, meaning I was home schooled. Mama allowed me to work on using my quirk, under her supervision, which would overall help my body grow stronger. If I end up pushing my body too much she would be there to catch me to make sure I dont hurt myself, waking up a few hours after I collapse.

Because of her and the medication, Im a lot stronger than the doctors had expected me to be by this age. If the improvement continues to grow, the doctors may even give me the okay to start high school next year.

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