Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
"Kazue and Katsuki"

"Having dinner together will really help us connect and Katsuki can meet Kazue since they will be going to school together"

"Oh that sounds amazing!" Mitsuki moves over and sets down her watering can, "What time should we come over? I can make something or help prepare"

"Dont worry about it!" Mom smiles, "Just bring yourselves over at 6 pm"

-Y/n Pov-

"I invited the neighbors over for dinner," Mom says as I stood on top of a chair that was pushed up next to the stove. "Will you be joining us?" I slowly flipped the pieces of chicken in the oil for firecracker chicken. I hear footsteps and suddenly I shriek when I feel someone kick the chair, making it wobble under my foot.

Out of panic, I grab onto the stove as I lost my footing and I watched as Kazue fake gasp. I let out a painful shriek as I accidentally burn my fingers. "Y/n careful!" Kazue says dramatically as I hear footsteps running into the kitchen.

"Y/n!" Mom says rushing over to me, turning off the stove as I held my right hand close to my chest. Mom moves quickly as she picks me up and moves me to the sink quickly to run cool water over my burning hand.

"What happened?" Dad says as Kazue had his hand over his mouth, my eyes stinging with tears but they don't fall as I was used to this.

"Y/n lost her footing and touched the stove with her hand trying to catch herself" Kazue explains even though my eyebrows furrow,

"Stop lying Kazue! You kicked my chair as I was cooking!" I yell as Kazue glares at me,

"No, I didn't!" He lies as mom moves to grab the first aid to medically treat my burn.

"That's enough, both of you," Mother says in a warning tone as she moved back next to me.

"Did you kick your sister's chair?" Dad asked turning to Kazue as he crosses his arms,

"No! You think I would do that to someone with a weak body? She's always trying to shift the blame on me!" Kazue continues to lie and dad sighs. Dad put his hand on Kazue's shoulder,

"Okay. okay. Go to your room until dinner is ready" Kazue lets out a humph before walking out of the kitchen, sticking his tongue at me in victory. "I told you m/n, Y/n shouldn't be left near the stove without supervision. She has a weak body and she's already done so much today. She probably collapsed because she was tired. You shouldn't be overworking her"

Mom rolls her eyes as she finished treating my right hand which was wrapped up. " You okay baby?" She says ignoring my father as her finger brushed against my cheek and I nod,

"Yeah. Im sorry, Kazue really did kick my chair and made me lose balance!" I say as I turn my head to dad, "I'm not tired at all! Kazue is a liar!"

"I know baby," mama says as she helps me down off the counter, "Why dont you go to your room and relax for a bit? I'll finish dinner" She says brushing some strands of my green hair behind my ear.

"I can still help mama" I say and dad steps forward,

"To your room" He demands and I look down at the ground. I nod before turning and leaving quickly for my room.

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