Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
"The moon in the pitch black night"

"Speaking of Katsuki, it should be about time he arrives home" she says looking at the tv, where the time showed on the bottom corner.

I quickly finish my yogurt, "Ill be outside then" I say as I moved to get up to throw away my yogurt tub in a trashcan sitting next to the tv.

"Be careful okay?" mom calls out to me and I nod with a smile. I moved over to the shoe rack, grabbing a random pair of shoes to slide on. I open the door and walk outside.

-y/n pov-

I went inside and checked around the house to make sure Katsuki hadnt come home yet. When I couldnt find him, I ended up going back outside and sat down in the lawn. The sun was shining bright, making me warm despite the cold breeze. It felt... good.

I lean back, laying down on my back, as I stared up at the sky. The sky was a soft blue that faded to white the further it got away from me. Light white fluffy clouds was spread out across the sky. I take a moment and appreciate how the sky almost looked like a canvas that had been painted on.

Everything seems to drown out in those minutes. I watched as a flock of birds flew over top of me. I wondered what it was like to fly, to be free. I've come accustomed to how much I stayed inside, I mean, it wasnt like ive ever had a choice. In all honesty, it wasnt my favorite thing. I wanted to go out, have friends and hang out with them, and do things without anyone worrying about me. I often wondered what it would be like if I wasnt like this. What it was like if I wasnt born like this.

Parts of me wondered if it was a side effect because of my quirk. Apparently people being born with telekinesis was extremely rare, but from what the doctors said, the cases of people with the telekinesis quirk all had health problems. Most people had withdrawals when it came to using their quirks or had a limit. From the people who had a telekinesis quirk and had recovered, telekinesis had no effect on the user. They obviously have to train through stages but they could lift just about anything. In the end though, all Telekinesis quirk are different and are in no way the same. Without a sufficient amount of data, no one can really say anything about them.

I close my eyes, the warm sun gleaming across my face. Despite the sun, all I could see was darkness. All I could feel was darkness. All I could hear was darkness. Everything was so dark. Parts of me wondered if I didnt have this quirk, would I have been normal.

Something warm presses up against my cold cheek and instantly sound flooded back into my ears. The sound of the wind slowly blowing and birds fill me. The feeling of my body shivering slightly as the cold breeze was a lot colder than I thought it was. And my eyes open to see a pair of red ones staring down at me.

"Hey, did you hear me?" Katsuki asked as the back of his hand softly taps my cheek, almost like he was trying to wake me. He was crouched down next to me, his bag laying out off to his side. "Can you hear me?" He asked and I blinked a few times before my eyes widened. I sit up quickly, which scares Katsuki, making him fall backwards on his ass. I looked around me quickly as the cold breeze was getting icier. "What the fuck, you scared the shit out of me!"

My eyes hit Katsuki who was now sitting on the ground next to me, his face full of irritation, "Oh, hi" I say awkwardly,

"Hello!?" He yells as anger fills his face, "Thats what you have to say!? You were laying on the ground acting like you were fucking dead! What the hell is wrong with you!? Why the hell are you laying out in the fucking cold, youre going to get fucking sick!" He continued yelling, moving his hand to point at me as he continued on. I smile before letting out a laugh as I watched him. "What the hell are you laughing for you lil' piece of shit!"

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