'Totally worth it.'

I smile, readjusting my phone slightly as I feel the tingle of pins and needles starting to go through my hand.

'I hope Will and Mike get together.'

I freeze at the mention of my character.

'What do you mean?'

Robbie's eyes shift off nervously, like he's almost too embarrassed to say what he's planning to in his head.

'Well... it's just -- right, I know it's weird cause I'm talking to you and you PLAY Will, but like since season one I've been hoping Will comes out and gets with Mike. I don't think it'll happen though with the way the last two seasons went.'

'I mean, never say never but I doubt it. I don't think Will's explicitly gay, I never really picked up on it when reading and acting but hey if it gives some people different ideas then I guess I've done a good job playing him.'

'Of course you did an amazing job playing him, or else you wouldn't be where you are now. I'll never forget the first time I saw him on screen and how you played him. I never connected with a character like that before.'

There's a slight silence, as I don't really know what to say. He's said that he connected with Will, and reading into the character being gay might say something about Robbie.

But is that another thing I want to ask? Sexuality isn't an issue for me, but for some reason I really want to know about Robbie. He's noticed the silence and starts to freak out a little bit.

'Shit -- I'm sorry about fangirling over this, if you're uncomfortable then I'll stop.'

'No, it's fine Robbie honestly. I'm just used to having tons of fans say stuff like this to me all the time and like it's weird - this is the first time in a while that I've enjoyed hearing it.'

Robbie reddens a little and I watch the shy grin grow across his face. I love how we can talk about stuff I normally hate talking about, and it doesn't feel terrible.

'Guess I'll just have to wait and see on July fourth.'

'Yeah it's not too long now, which is kinda scary. I just hope that this isn't the season where fans suddenly turn against us.'

Robbie's pulled his phone a little closer to his face.

'Well no matter what, I'll still be a fan of your work.'

I smile as does Robbie, and we're properly looking at each other through our phones. I kinda wish he was here and we were having this conversation in person.

Robbie rolls onto his back and lifts his phone back up above his face.

'Well, enough of me being another creepy fan. Seeing as I've asked some stuff you might've been uncomfortable with, you get a free pass. Ask away.'

'You're not hiding any big secrets right? You're not a musician on weekdays and then a serial killer at weekends?'

Robbie laughs again, and I enjoy watching the brief bit of happiness wash over his face.

'I can't make any promises.'

'Okay then. Um bit of a random one, but are you like... single?'

Robbie pulls a face and I kinda wish I could've grabbed those words before they left my mouth and crammed them back inside my throat.

'Why? You gonna ask me out? Cause you've got literally zero competition.'

'Really? You've probably got girls lining up to try and get with you, seeing as you're the up and coming music sensation people are saying you are.'

Wait For Me to Come Home (Noah Schnapp x Gay Male OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now