35. Haze

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Damien watched, his eyes wide and his heart beating erratically within his being. He turned into the opposite hallway, away from the scene, as Vasilios and Hades were dragged by their chains into the dungeons.

He gripped onto his sword tighter, pressing his back tightly against the high walls as he waited for all of Zeus' men to leave, a low groan emitting from him as he realised the last two guards that walked out of the room were part of Zeus' wicked. He resentfully let go of the idea of attacking them alone and manoeuvred his way out of the palace; across the maze like garden and into the forest. Watching as the white trees were painted red and green with the blood of their men and Zeus'.

He dodged through the fighting men, jumping over fallen bodies as he located two of his brothers. As he reached them he shoved his sword through the man they were fighting, not waiting for him to fall as he pushed him down and then faced Marcellus and Khaos who were both breathing heavily.

"We need to find the girls; where're the rest?" He shouted over the sound of chiming metal. He didn't stall any longer to answer their questions, his eyes darting around the battlefield once again. He watched Reina and Andromeda standing back to back taking on two of the creatures. He noticed Reina quickly side step the creature to confuse it before using Andromeda's shield to propel herself upwards as she landed across its back and dragged her sword deep through it, hitting its spine.

He walked towards them, shoving anyone that came his way. His brothers followed him without voicing their questions as they gathered behind Damien. Marcellus' eyes caught on Adonis and he whistled loudly, attracting his attention. He rounded his finger, pointing to Damien and then beckoned him towards them. Adonis immediately withdrew his sword from the centaurs belly and raised it, slicing through its neck before making his way towards the group.

Cy wiped the sweat off of his brow; his hand extended towards Ambrose who had been shoved to the ground. He hauled himself up, his gaze curious as he watched Damien's figure cut through the crowd with purpose and then noticed Marcellus and Khaos hot on his heels. Elbowing Cy, he pointed towards them and immediately strode past his men to join them.

Cy noticed and grabbed onto Araya's elbow ignoring the way she growled at him, "Impromptu meeting." He murmured into her ear as he tugged her towards him, his sword wedging into the man that charged at her from behind.

She pushed away from; a scowl set on her face to cover up the loud beating of her heart. Cy looked, her short hair bobbing along her face and her almond shaped eyes that were anywhere but on him. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and pointed towards where the rest of them were gathered, Dahlia having joined them from the other side.

They ran towards them, coming to a halt when Damien pulled them close and down, whispering so that no one else could hear him, "They have Hera locked in the throne room, thirteen guards were in that room when I left. She's injured-" He took a deep breath, "-bleeding. Vasilios and Hades were captured, he's taken them to the dungeons." He ended as everyones eyes widened around him. He nodded immediately before they could ask him if he was sure.

"We need to get them out or we've lost the battle." Andromeda murmured, unable to control the concern from etching onto her face. Her body began to shake. Whether it was out of fear or anger, she didn't know yet. She didn't care. There was only one thought running wild through her head and it was saving all of them and watching Zeus' life bleed out from his body.

"We need to split up," Reina announced, kicking away a slithering creature that came towards her and Marcellus beheaded it, its long tongue falling out of its mouth as it rolled on the ground.

"We can go get Hera." Andromeda said, looking past Damien who stood opposite her as Cassandra made her way towards them followed by Ares. Khaos quickly filled them in and Cassandra's gaze hardened as soon as Hades' name slipped from his mouth.

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