13. Monsters

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Andromeda sat on the sofa in her apartment. It felt like needle pins beneath her though and not the velvet blue cloud that she was used to sitting on. Reina sat in front of her on the ground, her hands on her knees and her head on her hands. Sebastian had gone off to the kitchen to make some coffee for everyone.

They were waiting for the brothers to get here. They were waiting to make a game plan. Andromeda had no idea how things had changed so much. A week ago the most frightening thing in her life was that stack of dirty laundry that she feared would one day come to life and beg her to wash them. Now, she was fighting demonic angels which was ironic in itself.

A knock reverberated throughout the apartment jostling Andromeda. She passed Reina a smile and got up to open the door. Her warm hand met with the cold doorknob of the honey coloured door and she took a deep breath before swinging it open.

Her eyes took in the seven brothers in front of her and Hades who stood next to a shaking Cassandra. Andromeda frowned and moved forward; enveloping her in a hug, "Hey, how are you?"

Cassandra sent her a smile, one that she tried really hard to make sure was pleasant and shrugged. Andromeda simply nodded and then grabbed her hand pulling her into the apartment. She might've only met her once but that doesn't mean that they couldn't be there for each other. These were weird times and they needed to check up on each other.

Reina came up in front of them, "Hey."

The men came into the room, closing the door behind them softly.

"Where's Sebastian?" Adonis asked shuffling to the corner of the room.

"Right here." Sebastian entered the room, a lose sweatshirt on his body, contrasting starkly against the other guys in the room who were all dressed in dress shirts and pants.

"So, where'd you find them?" Marcellus asked from the loveseat he had so graciously plopped down on.

"Well, there's two of them. One of them is in Hawaii and the other is in Alaska. I know, how poetic right?" Sebastian said connecting his laptop to the tv. He pulled up a photo of each of the girls and Andromeda had to hold her breath as a memory resurfaced.

"Duck!" A loud voice rung out and Andromeda ducked involuntarily.

She turned around, her hair cascading down her back, "Thanks." She grunted before moving back, looking at the shield that laid in front of her.

"No worries." Came a voice from near her and she looked to her right to see a stunning girl standing next to her, her unruly curls pulled back tightly into a ponytail. Her dark skin glistened with sweat and she smiled her full lips splitting apart to show her teeth.

"Hey, catch." Reina appeared beside her and threw a neatly wrapped chocolate bar covered in gold foil at her. She was accompanied by another girl with short black hair that fell in a cute bob to her shoulders.

"Hera said we could stop for the day." The girl said and sat down on the green grass followed soon after by all the other girls. Her small eyes complimented her small button nose and she grinned widely enjoying the chocolate she had in her hands.

"God my entire body hurts." The other unknown girl spoke from beside her and groaned.

"Here, you can have my chocolate Dahlia."

Andromeda focused back into the room with a soft gasp.

'Dahlia.' She thought looking at the tv screen that highlighted the photos of the girls she had seen in her dream.

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