10. Awakened

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Andromeda was confused.

When was she not? However that's besides the point, Andromeda could not for the life of her figure out what made her think that she would go in guns blazing and get her friend back.

"Hey, guys?" Andromeda spoke, stopping the brothers who were stacking weaponry upon their bodies, except for Damien who was busy using tissues to wipe off green goop from his body.

They all turned to look at her, "How do you guys know each other?"

Sebastian choked out a short laugh before replying, "The Sins keep track of all openly celestial beings in the city, they've known who I was for 200 years. They just didn't know who I was protecting or why I was protecting someone."

"How come they never questioned you?"

"Because he's never killed someone. At least not yet." Vasilios was finishing strapping a holster around his waist, "Now, can we stop wasting time and actually do something productive or are we going to stand here and chat all day?"

"What's got your boxers in a twist?" Damien said coming back to stand next to his brothers, (who all took a step back making Damien pout).

"Sebastian leads us in, Andromeda stays within the group, surrounded by us so that she doesn't have to fight." Cy laid out the plan for everyone and they all nodded before Sebastian turned around and lead them out of the alley.

Andromeda said a quick prayer, to a God she didn't know, and marched towards the fight.

The sun had begun to set and a vermilion glow had taken over the sky. It looked like the world was on fire and sunsets were Andromeda's favourite thing in the world because of that very reason. They resembled destruction and then the ultimate sunrise represented rebirth.

Sebastian lead them to the wall of a corroded building. He turned to look around the corner.

Two 7 feet tall Centaurs stood proud on their four legs. They both had guns in their hands and swords strapped around them. Sebastian turned back around and whispered his findings to the group, "There's two centaurs, but I don't know, something is off about them. Their skin, it has black spots, as if they're rotting. They have horns on their heads that are scaly and slippery and I'm sure I saw some sort of orange liquid drip from their mouths."

The brothers at the mention of the orange liquid turned to look at each other and Andromeda caught on, "What? Why did you guys look at each other like that?"

"The orange shit that he's talking about, it was the same with the creature that we just fought. It said he was from some army of the wicked and the orange liquid; we believe, was what gave it the ability to breath fire, if it can do more than that we don't know but our best bet is that it acts like some sort of fuel."

'Great, so these things probably breathe fire.' Andromeda thought.

"Who has the best aim here?" Sebastian said and Ambrose moved forward raising an eyebrow at him.

Sebastian handed the gun in his hands to Vasilios and took one off of his body, "Use this to aim and tranquillise them. We're going to need a sample of whatever shit is in their mouths and I'd also like to keep them alive for questioning."

Ambrose silently took it from his grasp and then switched places with Sebastian. The man placed it against his shoulder and took a deep breath before slightly manoeuvring his gun to the other side of the alley. He took another deep breath before his hold tightened and the first shot went off. A red coloured dart shot out from the opening and lodged itself into the centaurs neck. Ambrose wasted no time before the second shot was taking and the other centaur fell too.

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