5. Godkiller

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It was all that she could see. She felt as if it had encased her, that the flames that had opened a gateway, were simply meant to wrap around her. Andromeda, for the life of her, could not understand why she felt that way. The bright, glowing firestorm that she was witnessing danced and twirled around, creating a quiet soothing numb. Andromeda was mesmerised, so much so that she herself did not fathom as to how and when her footsteps carried her towards the mirror and her hand rose to meet the flames.

The realisation that she was touching fire without getting burnt scared her and she jumped back, clutching her hand to her chest. She turned around looking at the brothers, specifically Vasilios, with astonishment.

"It's okay, love. Don't be scared. The flames won't harm you," Hades said. He came forward, placing a hand on the small of her back and turned her around to look at the fire once again. "You can feel the power that they give off, you feel the need to submit to the flames. Do it, don't be scared. It'll all be okay." Andromeda's pupils dilated and her hand rose on it's own accord. She watched as a flame engulfed her arm and stepped forward allowing the flames to engulf her upper body, excluding her head. She didn't move after that and the fire simply pulled her forward, until she was sucked completely into it. She felt like she was falling, her heart was beating wildly against her ribcage and she wanted to scream out in fear but the flames engulfing her did not allow it.

The panic rose when she felt the flames get tighter around her body. She felt the pressure relieve all of a sudden and a scream pierced the silence resounding around her before she could even comprehend it. She felt solid flooring under her feet and opened her eyes to look at her surroundings. The high ceilings were accentuated by huge chandeliers that glinted and winked at her. Her feet  were bare and were touching a black marble floor. The curtains were made of maroon and gold silk and the walls were a matte finish black with beautiful gold pillars holding them up. Andromeda was astounded by the sheer beauty of the enormous room. She walked towards a wall feeling the need to touch it, to make sure it was real. Before her hands could make contact with it, a loud creaking noise made her look to her right. There a large door was opened and walking through it was a petite woman, covered in a velvet gown that reached mid-calf, barefoot.

"Here you are. The King is looking for you, come quickly. Oh, and take off your shoes." Her voice came and she stopped waiting for Andromeda to take off her shoes. Once they were in her hands, Andromeda stiffened for a second before following the girl. They both made their way into a dark never ending hallway and Andromeda blindly walked after the girl. A minute into the walk and Andromeda was questioning everything that was happening.

'Why is the goddamn hallway so long?' She thought, frowning at the floor before she realised how cold it was beneath her feet.

She turned to the girl with her question in my mind, "Hey, what's your name?"

The girl stopped, looking straight at her before she finally replied and continued walking, "Cassandra."

"Cool, I'm Andromeda. Say, Cassandra, can I ask you a question?" She asked, falling into step with her.

"Of course."

"Why is the floor so cold? I don't get it. Is it cooled or something?" Cassandra's eyes widened before she laughed at the red-head's question, "This palace, it sits in the exact middle of the underworld. The six rivers of the underworld, they all flow from underneath it, without meeting even once. Even though one is of fire it passes underneath the far right, where the dungeons are located so the heat doesn't travel here. The water of the other five is what makes the marble so cold. It also helps keep the palace cool."


Palace? King? Andromeda wouldn't be surprised if a dinosaur came to life just about now and swallowed her whole. Her eyes rose from the floor and stared ahead. Eventually Cassandra grabbed her arm and nodded to her left, "That way."

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