25. Smarágdi

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"Did you find anything?" Vasilios asked as he stopped pacing the floor long enough to look at Marcellus who had just entered the room. He marched to the table and sat down exhausted, his head hanging low in his hands. He looked up only for a second and shook his head. Vasilios stiffened before looking down, his jaw clenched.

"Why aren't we marching on Olympus? If Zeus has him I say let's kill the bastard and get this over with." Cy growled, his hands formed into fists.

"Because we fucking can't. Going to Olympus would be playing into exactly what he wants us to do. My soldiers are not ready. You want to go against Zeus in a half-assed effort?" Hades growled out at all of them, shooting each of them a glare.

"Well, what do you want us to do?" Vasilios asked and he looked up when silence met his ears, tears evident in his eyes.

Andromeda felt the need to comfort him but she stopped herself, not wanting to push him. She looked at all of the brothers and Hades scattered across the room and cleared her throat, "You guys have been awake for more than thirty-seven hours. You need to rest."

They all simultaneously shook their head and Ambrose spoke for all of them, "Not until we find Adonis."

Andromeda looked at all of them, "You think you're going to find him when all of you are tired and starved? That's going to help Adonis? You need to recuperate, if it comes to you having to fight to find Adonis do you guys think you'll be able to do it when you guys look and feel the way you do right now?" She asked them and then ran a hand through her hair, "All of you are going to get up and take a nap. Three hours and I'll wake you guys up. Take a shower too." She threw a glare when no one made a move and then smiled at Damien who relented first, leaving the room.

Everyone else followed him out and went their separate ways leaving only Vasilios behind. He sat down on a chair and closed his eyes.

"Excuse me? Why aren't you out of this room yet?" Andromeda questioned walking up to him. He opened an eye and looked at her before shrugging lightly, "It's not like I would be able to sleep."

Andromeda sat down on top of the table, "Yeah? Why's that?"

He let out a loud scoff, "-because I've failed my brothers yet again."



"No. You don't get to blame yourself for this. How do you know this is happening because of you? If it wasn't you it would've been someone else. Just because you have to kill Zeus does not mean that you can be held accountable for anything that he does. It wasn't your fault that you were made to be the godkiller by Zeus. It isn't your fault that the world has brought you here to this day. You are meant to do this, you aren't choosing to. Just like your family is going to get involved in it, whether you like it or not." She slipped off of the table and held her hand out to him, "Come on. Go take a shower and go to sleep."

He closed his eyes before nodding and getting up. He walked up to the door as Andromeda turned to the table looking at the papers scattered all over it. Trying to see if she could find anything they missed.

"Hey Andromeda." She craned her neck at him and he smiled, "Thank you."

She only nodded at him and turned away, trying to ignore how nice his words made her feel.

She sat down at the table and worked to arrange the array of papers in front of her. Hours passed as she skimmed over each and every one of them, separating the ones she thought she should look over once more.When she was finally done two stacks sat neatly upon the table, ranging from Adonis' schedule for the day to his last known whereabouts.

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