1. Puny God

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Countless decades ago

"How dare you?" a voice thundered. A lightning bolt struck the earth below and the terrified screams of the creatures echoed around the heavens. Strong winds had started to blow, and a murderous aura had encompassed the tall man sitting lazily in the corner. A dark, gloomy shadow surrounded Olympus and the almighty God himself was wreaking havoc to his beautiful palace.

"He challenged me, Zeus. A nobody like him decided to challenge a man who is called Wrath by the all powerful king of the Gods. It was inevitable. His death was inevitable." Vasilios' irritated voice boomed inside the throne room made from striking white marble. A few statues scattered here and there, all of them of Zeus. He was a conceited being.

Zeus' eyes widened and Vasilios stood up, impatiently shuffling, waiting for his temper tantrum to finish.

'He was late.'

"You broke my number one rule, Vasilios. One rule-," Zeus sputtered out in disbelief.

"A pathetic rule at that. Mind you, it was he who challenged me, and it's not like I did anything to get a rise out of him. I was trying to stop him from calling your wife, the Queen of Olympus, a whore. We all know who the real whore in that relationship is. It was against my morals to let a nobody like him, curse out Hera." Vasilios said, finishing with a tight lipped smile directed towards the fuming god.

"I don't care, you made my rules look pointless which in turn makes me look weak. And, don't lecture me on how you did it to protect my wife, you had your own reasons." Zeus implied, resentment leaking through his being. Vasilios noticed Zeus' eye twitch and felt anger filter through him, he would stand here, reprimanding Vasilios over the fact that he killed a God, but not in front of his subjects to instil in them the fear of the consequences of disrespecting their queen.

Zeus liked having power, in fact he yearned for it. Yet, he was also intent of having himself seen as the just and true king. He wanted people to worship him; to fear and love him as the same time. Maybe that's why he was before Vasilios, screaming at the man he'd titled Godkiller for killing a God.

Vasilios watched, unable to swallow the blatant disrespect that oozed from within Zeus for the woman who had raised him. His eyes started to glow brighter, his hands clenching into fists, stopping himself from decking Zeus.

"Then my King," He spat the words out, no truth ringing to them, "punish me as your rules tell you to. Banish me." Vasilios spoke as impassively as possible.

"W-what?" Zeus whispered, disbelief coating his chiseled face.

"Banish me, isn't that the punishment for breaking the one mighty, all important rule." Vasilios said.

"Well yes, but that rule doesn't apply to you..." Zeus fell silent, unable to speak. Losing Vasilios would mean losing his biggest weapon; the only weapon that could kill a god.

"Well, since you can't make up your mind, you just stand there sputtering like a goat and I'll do your job for you. I'll banish myself."

"Get back here, Wrath! That is an order." Zeus shouted and Vasilios spun around to meet his gaze, the entirety of his eyes glowing red as the veins in his face started to become prominent, "Tell me, Zeus? Why isn't that rule for me? Its because you need me. Not the other way around. I'm done being your puppet Zeus. And the next time you kill someone, if you feel even the slightest bit of remorse multiply it with the eternity of torture you've put me through, realise how much I've done for you. You would be no where without me." Vasilios spoke out with defiance as he turned around and walked out straight through the white oak doors of the throne room. Ignoring Zeus' demand that he come back, he simply enjoyed the sound of his polished shoes tapping on the white marble of a sullen Olympus. Of an Olympus he was saying goodbye to for good.

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