21. Casualties

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Metal clashed and soldiers fell.

Vasilios brought his sword forward, slashing the skin of his opponents arm deeply. He took a step back and the flipped throwing a kick to the man's head, knocking him out. He turned around and wiped the sweat dripping from his brow. His tan skin marred with soot and mud that mixed with the beads of sweat on his skin. He looked down to his arm to see a small cut bleeding and he wiped the blood with his hand standing straight.

He looked to his sides, his breaths coming out in even pants as he regulated them. Thunder struck the Earth making it shake and Vasilios' snapped to Zeus who wielded two swords, spilling blood left and right. His eyes were void and his smile was evil. Vasilios felt remorse hit him and he looked away trying to find his brothers.

"Vas! Move." Ambrose' voice rung out from behind him and he side stepped quickly as a sword slashed through the empty air from where he had moved. He quickly grabbed the hand that wielded the sword and pushed the man back. His eyes flashed red and the man in front on him gulped panic contorting his features. Ambrose came up behind him, his eyes concentrated on the man's neck. Once he located his Vagus nerve he struck his hand against it causing the man to fall limp before them.

"We've already had too many casualties, Vas. Zeus and his army are not holding back, we need to do something." Ambrose watched as Damien walked towards them and came to stand besides them panting loudly.

"He's right-" Damien gasped loudly, "-this is too much cardio for me."

Vasilios grunted pushing his brothers back as a loud war cry sounded and a man came running towards them, his sword high in the sky. He ducked below him and rounded the man quickly bringing down the helm of his weapon on the man's spine.

The man fell to his knees and Vasilios raised his foot pushing down on the man's back and sending him the rest of the way to the ground.

He turned back to his brothers, "We need to find Ares and end this."

"Last I saw him he was in the Far East of the field. His soldiers have formed an impenetrable circle around him, Vas." Cy walked to them grunting loudly, "Motherfuckers cut my leg."

"Aww, does the baby have a booboo? Do you want me to kiss it better?" Khaos spoke from on top of a tall rock to the right of Damien whilst pushing a man off of him.

"Where's Marcellus and Adonis?" Vasilios shouted loudly holding off two men that were trying to sneak up on the rock behind Khaos. Damien drove his sword through one of them and grimaced.

They both ducked as a body flew from on top of them and landed to the side in a lump.

"Right here." Marcellus voice took over the small area they had concentrated themselves in and Vasilios eyes shot to Adonis who threw a punch at the man he was fighting before pushing his sword through a gap in the man's armour and into his torso.

"Alright, everybody on me. We're going to get to Ares and we're going to end the bloodshed." Vasilios turned to one side and rolled his shoulders as his brothers assembled behind him.

He assessed the mess in front of him, metal clashing against metal. Blood spilling on the sand below them. He closed his eyes, letting the wrath in him take control and then shot forward, his sword slashing the men around him.

They fought their way through the fighting armies cutting a straight path to Ares inner circle. Vasilios felt a sword slash against his leg and he looked to his left, his eyes burning with fury. He growled loudly and grabbing the man's neck with his free hand, he squeezed tightly till he felt the bones crack underneath the pressure. He let the man go, his body slumping to the ground.

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