28. Murderer

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"Brother-" Zeus roared, marching towards him. Hades too advanced shrugging his robe off of his body to reveal an armour of black leather that sat comfortably on his body.

He walked from between Andromeda and Reina who had pushed Andromeda's family behind themselves. He grabbed on to the front of Zeus' shirt and pushed him down, throwing a punch to his jaw. Hades leaned down close to his face, whispering, "Murderer."

Zeus pushed Hades off of him, standing up quickly. He looked around as soldiers clad in black rushed out of every corner, forming a huge circle around them. They let out a loud cry, slamming their spears into the ground. Collectively they began taking steps forward.

Hades looked around once before raising his hand, stopping his men. He watched his brother, a sneer on his face, "What do you want?"

Zeus eyes shot upwards, his left hand nursing his jaw that would soon bruise, "What I've always wanted: supremacy. I am your king-"

"You-" Hades shouted, raising his hand to point at Zeus, the veins in his arm prominent, "-are a coward."

"A coward?" Zeus scoffed before his eyes came ablaze with his fury, "I am anything but a coward. I am a mastermind, I took away your own reality from you and you didn't even remember. If it weren't for that wench, Hera-"

The brothers shot forward, enraged by the blatant disrespect. Hades held Vasilios and Khaos back, both of their eyes glowing. He shook his head at them as they tried to break free. With a loud grunt Vasilios shoved Hades' hands off of him and took a step back, glaring at Zeus.

"Watch how you speak." Vasilios growled.

Zeus raised an eyebrow, "And you, Vasilios. Hiding behind this facade of control. If you love Hera so much why didn't you do something for her before? Why now, that it's been prophesied? You claim to love her but you're the real coward here." He mocked, taking a step forward with each word. He stared at Vasilios, a smirk on his lips, "You said you weren't the villain? You should know you're not the hero either."

Vasilios laughed, his body relaxing, "Hero? I've never wanted to be a hero. No, no. That's all you. You want the world to love you because you know you're unlovable. You want them to bow before you because you know you're weak. You want power because you know you're nothing without it. You are living a lie of your own creation, Zeus."

Zeus eyes narrowed into slits and he unwillingly backed off when Hades put a hand to his chest. He turned in a circle looking around the open land, the dozens of soldiers, the brothers and the so called warriors.

He shook his head, his eyes void, "I want Mnemosyne."

Hades let out a loud laugh, "You think you can ask me to hand over the one person who could save you from your demise and I would just give her to you?"

Zeus stilled, his feet planted firmly against the grass. His gaze passed over Hades entire form before he smirked, "Come now, brother. What do you have to lose? All you have to do is give me Mnemosyne, and then you can spend the rest of your life in blissful oblivion. I've worn the crown and I've sat on the throne that was built upon the blood of millions. I've done everything in my power to maintain it. The truth of the matter is that you don't have the stomach for it. Give me Mnemosyne and you won't have to worry about anything from today onwards. Not the crown, the throne or the misery that comes with being king." He had walked forward and began circling around Hades as he laid claim to the kingship and the responsibilities that came with it.

When Zeus reached Hades' front, he grabbed onto his shoulders, glowering at him, "If being king brings you nothing but misery why do you hunger to be proclaimed it? I don't have the stomach for cruelty because a true leader is not meant to be cruel. I know of your crimes, Zeus, and as God of the Underworld I promise you, you will pay for them." Hades voice had turned demonic as he spat the words to his brother. His eyes entirely black as he pushed Zeus down to his knees. A single hand came to rest on top of Zeus' head and he slipped off the crown that he paraded around so proudly.

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