14. Falling

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The horrid alarm clock on Andromeda's bedside was shaped like a chicken, it's plastic outing was banged up and scratched from various places. The ridges and groves in the surface reminded Andromeda of her childhood. She remembered the day her dad got it for her saying that the chicken reminded him of her, then the day when her brother fell from her bed in a fit of laughter and knocked it over breaking the beak. It reminded her of her life, that she thought was ordinary but now was just a hot mess. Andromeda loved the clock; but today she hated it with a little extra something.

She groaned as it came to life, crowing loudly. Someone shuffled on her other side, "What the fuck is that?" Cassandra's sleep laced voice mumbled.

"It's her fucking alarm clock." Andromeda bolted up to see Reina laying at the free area near their feet on the queen sized bed.

"Why're we all in my room?"

"You passed out-" Cassandra let out a loud yawn, "-so Reina and I carried you here, you're welcome by the way, and then we decided to just sleep here."

Andromeda shook her head and then got out of the bed, throwing Reina's discarded bra at her head, "Get up idiots, we have to be at the airport in an hour."

Both of the girls groaned simultaneously.

Andromeda walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. She gave Cassandra a spare hoodie and a disposable toothbrush. She put on a purple tracksuit and then made her way out of the room and into the kitchen. Smoothly manoeuvring around the kitchen she made coffee for all of them and then sat down to dry her hair.

Once it fell in haphazard waves past her shoulders she combed through them and then packed the dryer and the comb in her suitcase. Last night, when Sebastian had called to tell them that their flights had been booked he'd told them that they would be staying 2 days. It was a good thing Andromeda had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off this semester, and Reina has Wednesdays and Thursdays off. Both girls would only have to take a one day leave.

She grabbed her makeup bag and stuffed all that she could remember into it and then dived into the bathroom to grab her toothbrush mumbling a small apology to Cassandra who squeaked at the intrusion. She applied some makeup, to make her look like less of a ghost and then sat down on the sofa packed and ready to go.

By the time the other girls were done they were a whole fifteen minutes late. Reina decided that they'd blame it on the Uber and just give the guy a huge tip to make up for their guilt. When they arrived at the airport the brothers had already printed their boarding passes for them. Cassandra mumbled a small, "Good morning, my lord." to Hades who nodded and thrust a small luggage bag towards her.

"Did he pack your clothes?" Reina whispered in Cassandra's ears.

"No. I always have a bag packed for surprise trips." Cassandra smiled politely at an elderly man walking past them, "It comes with the job description."

Andromeda let out a surprised 'huh' and went to stand next to Sebastian.

"What's up?"

"The sky."

"And my standards, bye." Andromeda winked at him and walked away waiting for Cy and Khaos to get back from the washroom. She grabbed her phone and scrolled through it trying but failing miserably to distract herself from the fact that Vasilios was standing 5 feet away from her and glaring at her.

She shuffled and then looked back at him. Vasilios face contorted into a scowl and he looked away from her as if the mere sight of her disgusted him.

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