15. Believe Me

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By the time the plane had landed and they had left the airport night had started to fall. They'd rented an SUV from the rental service attached to the airport. The temperature was somewhere around 13° Celsius, and Andromeda was freezing. She'd chucked on a small scarf that was in her backpack and was blowing air into her hands to warm them up.

They made their way to their hotel and checked in. They were going to be in a suite with two rooms and a pullout in the living room. Once they'd all freshened up and changed into their night suits they met up in the living room. Vasilios and Hades sat on the three-seater leather couch with matching grey sweatpants and white t-shirts. If Andromeda didn't know them she would've thought they'd coordinated it. Cassandra stood behind them in a yellow and white polka dot sleeping suit.

Sebastian and Khaos both sat on opposing off-white coloured loveseats. Sebastian was dressed in a black t-shirt with green plaid pyjama pants. Khaos was in simple black sweatpants and nothing else, his hair wet and dripping water on his shoulders. Andromeda took a second (maybe longer) to look at his shirtless self and then walked up to Sebastian, sitting down on the armrest of his seat. She was dressed in red pajama pants and a white tank top. As cold as it was, their suite was pretty warm.

"Now that everyone's here let's get started." Sebastian said leaning forward, clasping his hands together as he placed his elbows on his knees.

"Araya works and owns Kratos Mechanics which is twenty minutes away from here. I've made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon to have our car fixed," he said putting air quotations around the last two words.

"The only problem is that we don't have a car, and the rental that we have is perfectly fine."

"I can bang it up for you if you like." Khaos' wicked smile glinted in the low orange light of the room.

"No thank you." Came Vasilios' retort. "To be honest we only need to be able to talk to her alone."

"That's right. You can go there and tell her that whatever problem you were facing got fixed but you still brought it in for an overall checkup. While she's doing that you can talk to her and try to explain everything to her." Cassandra said, shrugging.

"What if she doesn't want to listen? It's going to literally sound like complete horseshit." Andromeda said, chewing at her lip in worry.

"When will I be of service?" Hades trailed off with a raised eyebrow as if it was the most obvious answer.

"Yeah, you're just going to stand in an auto shop and open a portal to Hell." Cassandra remarked drily, rolling her eyes at him.

"Well, then if she doesn't listen to you on your own you could ask her to meet you at a secluded place and I could open the portal there." He paused and then smirked distractedly, "Or we could just kidnap her."

"There will be no kidnapping." Andromeda exclaimed throwing her hands up.

Vasilios snickered quietly and then spoke up, "Why don't we just ask her to come to the suite if she doesn't believe us. We could move the furniture around to make enough space for Hades to conjure up a gateway."

"Or we could just kidnap her." Khaos suggested and Andromeda was up in a flash smacking him upside the head.

"No kidnapping." She growled, exasperated.

An array of chuckles sounded throughout the room and Khaos grumbled saying that Hades didn't get smacked.

Silence filled the room before Cassandra announced she would be going to sleep and walked into one of the rooms. Both Vasilios and Hades headed into the other room and closed the door behind them. Andromeda sat with Sebastian for a little while before getting up and walking into her room.

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