26. Distractions

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Vasilios heaved pushing the unconscious body off of him. He got up to his feet as it fell to his side with a thud. He threw a punch at another soldier that charged at him. The jab landed against his throat and the sword clattered from his hands as he bent forward. Vasilios don't waste time as he grabbed onto the man and choked him, still aware of his surroundings. He cut off the man's air till he passed out and then let go, allowing his body to fall to the floor.

He made sure no one else was coming his way before bending down to look for his own sword that had been discarded. When he spotted the glinting metal he grabbed onto it and turned around, assessing the room. Andromeda and Reina stood back to back, taking on soldiers clad in silver, their heads secure under helmets that had lightning bolts engraved into them.

"Ouch." Damien's voice rung out and Vasilios eyes immediately snapped to him, his feet carrying him halfway to his brother before he even realised it. He stopped short though as Damien shoved his sword through the side of the soldier in front of him, "You twisted my pinky finger, man. Not cool."

Vasilios rolled his eyes as his brothers took down the last of the soldiers. They all moved away from where they were fighting and came to stand next to Vasilios who looked around, seeing the mess in front of him. Bodies littered the pristine floors of 'Ambrosia', blood seeping onto the floor between them like water carving a path through mountains.

"What do you want?" Vasilios asked as he took a step forward meeting Zeus' glare with one of his own. Zeus let out a small chuckle and looked behind Vasilios, raising an eyebrow.

"You're trying to protect your little family? Are you forgetting who created you, Wrath? My blood, my anger and my monstrous reality flows through you, and you dare stand against me?" Zeus roared, his voice getting angrier and deeper with every word that he spat. A loud crack of thunder resounded throughout the otherwise stagnant air and Andromeda shivered in disgust at his words.

"You might have created me, but you didn't raise me." Vasilios replied, his voice calm and measured. He watched as Zeus took a step forward his hand going to his sword, "You want to deny reality?"

"What reality? The ruse that you've created to save your own life? To retain the power that you lust after? That reality, Zeus?" Vasilios mocked, his lips pulled into a deceiving smile.

Zeus faltered, worry reflecting in his eyes before he straightened up and smirked. He didn't say anything as his fingers wrapped around the helm of his sword and he unsheathed it, swiping it through the air to hold it high above his head, in one smooth motion.

Commanded by Zeus' signal the glass door shattered as his men pooled in. They marched with conviction, each of them adorned in silver armour and wielding swords. The brothers, Reina and Andromeda braced themselves as the men assembled before them, at least twenty of them.

Zeus raised an eyebrow at Vasilios clenched fist before he looked at him, "You think you know the truth? You think you've stopped my plans? Have you? Or are you just playing into my trap?" Zeus asked and stomped his foot. His men charged forward their swords raised high in the air. They bulldozed through the array of tables. Unstoppable, even as the cutlery and expensive china crashed to the floor with each step that they took.

Vasilios pushed past them as the rest of his brothers and the girls ran forward, taking the brunt of the assault. He shoved one of them that came towards him and walked out through the broken doors, looking around the street for Zeus' figure. He looked to both his sides to see only the empty roads, no sign of life let alone celestial life.

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