3. Sinner

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"I get that the girl was attacked, but why did you feel the need to bring her here? What if she's just a mere mortal? What will you do with her then? I'm sure she has a family, a boyfriend, a fiance, something. This is reckless, D." An aggravated voice broke through the darkness that surrounded Andromeda. She winced as a pang of pain shot up her torso and arm. Her eyes fluttered open before snapping shut immediately because of the intensity of the light.

"I already told you, her eyes, they changed colours. That's not normal, not both of them, and definitely not the colour they changed to. They were blood red, Marc, blood-" Came a different voice that faltered when Andromeda raised her other hand to rub her eyes. "She's up you idiot, shut up." said the first voice and Andromeda shifted on the hard surface she was laying on, her eyes opening slightly to take in the room around her.

The first thing that caught her eyes was the modern chandelier on the maroon coloured ceiling.

She pushed herself upwards into a sitting position, cringing when her neck cramped slightly. She rolled her neck still not acknowledging the presence of the eight men in the room. Her name wasn't very fitting.

Andromeda groaned before yawning. However, her arms fell to her side when she noticed the small army of men in front of her, "Hi-" she squeaked, one of her hands coming up in a short wave.

"Hey, I'm Damien. I saw you in the alley and brought you here when you passed out. One of the bouncers took care of the guy who was trying to force himself on you. Can you tell me the last thing that you remember?" The man with striking blue eyes said, subtly moving towards Andromeda.

"I remember Alex trying to push himself on me, his hands on my body. It all gets a little fuzzy after that. The next thing I remember is the fact that you walked towards me to stop me from hitting the ground when I passed out. I'm just going to assume that you're the guy who beat Alex up and off of me. Thank you. So much. I really didn't think he would stoop so low but I guess you never know with assholes like him." Andromeda said, a gracious smile on her lips. Her mind had wrapped the memory of Alex's hands on her in a far away corner, noting down somewhere that she had to report him once she was out of here. She stared at the man before her, he had a stubble that accentuated his jawline and raven coloured hair that meshed well with his tan skin. His blue eyes seemed to glow as if they were neon and his lips were upturned. He was wearing a suit with a black high-neck underneath it.

"Sweetheart, I didn't need to beat him up for you. You did that all yourself, do you not remember?" Damien said coming down to sit next to her of the hard sofa.

Andromeda turned her head to look at him before shaking her head in denial, "The last time I tried to punch someone I broke my own hand, me beating someone up would be literally impossible."

"Well, believe it or not you sucker punched that asshole so many times I'm pretty sure he needs facial reconstructive surgery." Damien snorted when he saw Andromeda's face scrunch up in disgust, "What's your name, angel?"

"It's definitely not 'angel'," She snickered before coughing when she noticed Damien's eyes darken, "Andromeda Lykaios."

"Nice to meet you, I'm just Damien with no last name and these are my brothers." He grinned nodding towards the six other men spread throughout the room, "oh and Hades, he's sort of like our uncle but he doesn't like to be called that since it makes him feel old." He said whispering the last words way too loudly for it to be a secret.

Andromeda smiled at the quirky man in front of her before her eyes trailed over each one of them. There were two in the corner of the dimly lit room who locked eyes with her and politely smiled back, "I'm Cy," said the one with the golden eyes and blonde curly hair. His skin was pale and a small mole sat under the inside corner of his left eye. The yellow eyed one straightened his back, brushing his dusky hair away from his forehead, before saying his name, "Marcellus." He had a heart shaped face, a pointed nose and the longest lashes Andromeda had seen on anyone.

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