11. Memories

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(Trigger warning towards the middle and end of the chapter.)

Terrible, unyielding, all-consuming darkness.

Andromeda was surrounded by it. For the first three seconds she'd thought she'd gone blind. That however, was not the case as her eyes had soon fluttered open.

It was bright now. Sickeningly so. She flinched and then groaned, "What the hell?"

"That's a new record, she was down for a whole twenty minutes this time." Khaos said as he leaned against a clean patch of the bloodied and goop enveloped wall.

The redhead in question sat up, shifting her weight onto her elbows and looked around the room. Reina and Damien sat in front of her where Reina nursed her wrists from the marks left by the rope bonds. Sebastian sat on her left and Vasilios on her right, both peering down at her with haze of laziness in their eyes.

"Please tell me nobody kissed me." Andromeda saw the chance and she took it.

"I understood that reference." Damien said, a shit eating grin on his face.

"I understood that reference." She shot back at him causing a bemused Vasilios to shoot both of them a glance.

"I'm confused, did she want someone to kiss her?" Marcellus asked from somewhere in the room.

"I volunteer!" Khaos shouted out instantaneously and shot a wink at the redhead.

Vasilios almost punched his brother. Almost.

"Now that she's up, would someone mind explaining to me what the fuck is going on?" Reina muttered moving away from Damien causing him to frown.

"So far all we know is that there's some wicked army that has suddenly decided that they want to kill all of us if it's the last thing they do. They're also working for Zeus apparently and that's the weird part since Zeus literally came to Vasilios for help yesterday. Oh and hi, I'm your guys' protector." Sebastian passed a small smile to a confused Reina.

"What are we doing then?" Andromeda said shuffling across the floor to her friend. Her eyes met Reina's and the tears in them shook the redhead to her core. Without thinking, Andromeda's arms shot up and around her quivering friend.

"Hey, what's going on?" She whispered into her ear as her friend sobbed softly into her shoulder. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Reina simply whimpered a little before she moved back and wiped her tears away. The redness lining her eyes being the only hint that she had just sobbed.

Andromeda got up and wiped her hands on her pants, "We're going out. Come on, Rey. Get up." She addressed the room and extended her hand to her friend.

Together the girls manoeuvred their way out of the warehouse, the Sins and Sebastian a few steps behind. When they got out of the horrid place the first thing any of them noticed was that the two tied up centaurs were no longer there.

"Great. Now we don't have anything to go on." Damien grunted kicking the wall out of slight rage and Wrath's eyes flashed before he shot a hand out towards his brother, grasping his shoulder in a firm grasp.

"It's okay. We'll figure something out. We always do." Andromeda heard Khaos say as she pulled Reina's shaking figure away from the crowd and towards the alley they had hidden their cars in.

"What's going on? I haven't seen you this shaken up since-"

"They're back. The memories. The feeling. The terror. It's back."

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