Beta Readers/Testers

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Hi, it's me again with another a/n. I was wondering if any of you would be interesting in doing beta reading for me. I wouldn't be able to pay you but you would be able to help me write better fanfiction, and get early access to said fanfiction. If you are willing to help, here are some things that I thought would be important to share with you. 

1. I have a Tumblr account where most of the writing after it has been through the beta reading process will go. 

2. That same Tumblr has a list of fandoms I am in if you are interested in beta reading. I would go there (I'lll put a link in the comment sections to that specific post.) and then come back here and comment which fandoms you are okay with. 

3.  You should also comment if you are willing to beta read smut/nsfw. 

4. I might create a discord server with beta reading in mind. (I will most likely message you a link to the discord server so if you have any issues with the Wattpad message system please let me know.)

5. If you are a beta reader, you could most likely make requests on said discord server and have a higher chance of getting them done. 

Your Wattpad comment should look something like this: I can beta read for you, I have/don't have an issue with the Wattpad messages system, I will/won't beta read smut. We are both in these fandoms: insert the fandoms. I do/don't have discord. 

If you don't have discord beta reading will be extremely difficult. 

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