Chapter 22

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The woman was always quiet, not showing a single emotion whenever she was beaten or had to engage in actions with her body that she did not approve of but she never once pleaded for it to stop or let out a cry of pain.

It was at night when she cried, holding her daughter close to her as she let everything she had been holding in during the day out.

But sometimes she just couldn't. Her daughter's best friend would ask for sleepovers and she would sleep on the floor whenever the two wanted to.

But the two girls being girls, wanted to always have sleepovers and the woman would do anything to make her baby have just that tiny bit of happiness whenever she could. The little girl wasn't allowed to be like any other little girl anymore afterall. The girl would be forced to help her mother cook and clean ever since she was forced to come live with the general.

The mother however never let her little sunshine do a tad of work, overworking herself tons and it only getting worse when the girls would ask every day for to have a sleepover.

Yes the woman had clothes but only light summer clothes, giving all sweaters and such to her daughter and modifying them so the girl would be able to fit into them so she would at least be dressed well.

It all however got too much.. too much when the woman was cleaning and letting her daughter play with some of the general's daughters toys as she was busy cleaning the girls room.

The general walked in with his daughter and the girl screamed. Yes the two did play together but she was possessive over her toys as she never really had any before. The girl started crying and the little kid started crying too as she just wanted to play.

The general went in to kick the daughter of the woman but the woman could just jump in front, getting kicked in the face because of it. The woman screamed out in pain as she covered her eye, but the blood soon covered it as pieces of bone stuck into the woman's eyeball herself. her daughter screaming as it looked scary and trying to hide behind the general despite him trying to hurt her a second ago.

The general felt bad... But the feeling was soon replaced by a feeling of satisfaction as he had to endure such abuse as well.


The daughter of the woman had grown quite much over the years but had learnt to resent the general in that time too. The constant abuse towards her mother was horrible to watch but her mother would never let her take any of it or let her do chores. She was to get as much of a normal way of growing up as possible and thankfully it was possible as the girls bestfriend was still the general's daughter.

Humans weren't allowed to go to school anymore but the girl was an exception itself, she however felt alone at school as hybrids would always whispered while looking at her.

The girl resented hybrids for what they had done to her mother, her mother had helped them to a great victory! And this is the thanks she gets?

Her bestfriend however turned against humans because of what her father told her but of course the girl was 'different' despite being human. The hybrid girl hated the girls mother and would gladly abuse the power she held over her.

All these actions however became the start of the young girl beginning to form a plan against the hybrids themselves. Despite the war only having happens around 14 years ago she was already slowly forming a small rebellion towards the hybrids.

She hated how her mother and other humans were treated despite being on the side of hybrids during the war. They were the reason hybrids had acces to weapons in the first place!

And the rebellion of the girl slowly grew and grew over the decades but she never saw the rebellion go into action, passing away long generations before the rebellion would even care to come into action.

But who knows... who knows if the rebellion would come into action soon? And who knows who the new leader, who tells the tales of the first leader and the mistreatment of her mother set her plan into action. Who knows?

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