chapter 10

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Jungkook slowly got off the little stool and slowly made his way towards the stairs, peeking into the living room once more to see the two hybrids arguing over something.

The boy however decided to leave it alone as he was so tired from everything that had happened today that he just went upstairs and to his room.

The boy didn't change into his pyjamas as he couldn't reach the handle of his closet and just lied down on his bed. He however noticed a stuffed bunny plushie and grabbed it, hugging it tightly while curling up.

The boy sniffled and soon started crying quietly, not wanting the hybrids to hear him. The boy only tired himself out more and fell asleep crying.

The next morning Jungkook was woken up by a cheerful Jimin but Jungkook just felt sad. He pushed Jimin hands away as the hybrid tried to lift him up and got out of bed, clutching onto his bunny tightly as he walked to the door.

Jimin frowned at the actions of the boy but ignored them, following the boy to the kitchen downstairs.

"Go sit down and I'll get Marissa to make you something nice hm? Yoonie was a big meanie to you yesterday"

the hybrid giggled and Jungkook nodded with a pout. Jimin left the kitchen and went to find Marissa as Jungkook sat on the chair quietly, playing with his bunny's ears.

The boy however tensed as he heard a single pair of footsteps. Yoongi. The boy let out a quiet whimper as the footsteps stopped

"aren't you supposed to be making me breakfast?"

Yoongi frowned and Jungkook looked over before he shook his head, looking over in the direction Jimin left. Jimin soon came back with Marissa and smiled.

"Yoonie~ today Kookie will eat with us cause you were so mean to him yesterday"

Jimin smiled and hugged his lover, pressing his lips against the other hybrids cheek making Jungkook scrunch his nose in distaste.

Jimin giggled as he saw the boy making the face as Yoongi only frowned more.

"I thought he always was supposed to eat after us?"

The hybrid lifted a brow and the other hybrid shook his head with a smile.

"The more the merrier Yoonie! It'll be like our own little family"

Jimin smiled and Yoongi sighed, he couldn't say no against his cute lover.

"I'll allow it just this once, but you have to take him shopping after this and I can stay home. You always take too long even if it's just groceries"

Yoongi shook his head as he sat down while Jimin squealed and nodded, he loved shopping. Jungkook on the otherhand frowned


The small boy frowned and Jimin nodded.

"Mhm! And once we get there I'll buy you lots of new clothes and toys for when you have free time."

Jimin smiled and started a whole rant about what he was going to buy and where while Jungkook started feeling anxious, he had never been shopping and didn't understand the concept of it.

"Don't forget your phone and-"

Yoongi continued talking but Jungkook didn't hear, being too spaced out to focus on the conversation.

What did shopping even mean?

-hello hello hellooooo

I have decided to make a small change to the story and instead make Jin the only pet of Hoseok and Taehyung but for a good plot reason that will later come back ^-^

You all better be staying inside and taking goodcare of yourselves!!!

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