chapter 8

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Jimin smiled, all cuddled up to his Yoonie.  The couple was watching a show they always watched on Tuesday, a show about humans and how they worked as Jimin wanted to know how he could take care of his human while letting the human serve him still.

"Yoonie?" Jimin pouted and Yoongi looked over, softly cooing and pecking the pout away "yes love?" He smiled softly, caressing his lovers hand. "Could you get me something to snack please, I could really use one" Jimin asked but his eyes however stayed glued to the screen, absorbing anything he could. And unlike Yoongi, Jimin did care if he missed a thing or two, he wanted to know everything about the species.

Yoongi chuckled and kissed his cheek "sure thing baby, I'll be right back" he smiled and got up, not knowing about the mess of dishes he was about to be walk up to.

Yoongi frowned as he entered the kitchen, his eyes landing upon the still wet but clean plates and everything. "Jimin, baby? You might want to pause the show real quick and have a look"

Yoongis frown however only grew when he saw that their human wasn't there and he growled "that little dipshit" he mumbled and clenched his fists.

Jimin walked in with a sigh "what is i- why is everything still there?" He frowned and stood by Yoongis side "where is Jungkook, he should've done this." Jimin looked around trying to find the boy, but had not luck as the human wasn't in the room.

Yoongi's and Jimin's ears however perked up as they heard footsteps upstairs. Making the two cats hurry over to the sound.

"N-no!" Jungkook said as he tried to free his arm, fighting back against the mean lady who had yelled at him already. "You're going downstairs and you're going to dry every single thing I washed." She growled and continued pulling him despite Jungkook's struggle.

Jungkook however whimpered as he saw the two cats coming into view and only started to fight more to get out of her hold "w-wet go!" He said and Jimin stopped running, softly cooing over how the boy said let go. He walked over once he noticed Yoongi was already there.

"Master I've been trying to get him to dry the rest of the dishes but he only put up a fight..." the woman sighed and Yoongi nodded, taking Jungkook's arm from the woman.

Unlike the woman, Yoongi did have a lot of strength. And that how Jungkook ended up downstairs, on his  stool. The boy could barely put up any fight as Yoongi walked fast and the grip on his arm was tight, a little too tight.

Jungkook rubbed his arm once Yoongi let go, glaring at the cat hybrid. "You're going to listen very carefully okay? You're going to dry everything within five minutes or you'll suffer from the consequences, understand?" Yoongi growled, clearly mad. Jungkook's eyes widened and he whimpered, his whole body starting to shake as he thought back to the punishment the lion gave him.

Jungkook trembled in fear as he started drying off the dishes, trying to do it so fast he accidentally let a plate fall onto the ground.

The boy's eyes went wide from horror ad he stared at the shards of the plate, not knowing what to do.

Should he clean up the shards? Or continue drying the dishes like nothing happened?

What do you want to happen?

Make him clean up the shards?

Or continue drying?

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