chapter 29

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Once jungkook was cleaned underneath of the 'warm waterfall' as he called it, he whined as he got it cold. The air around him making his hair stand, causing the small boy to wrap his arms around himself.

Luckily for the human the Kim man grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him.

"Someone has it cold hm?" The Kim man chuckled before he lifted the boy up.

"I'm not sure if I have any fitting clothes for you kid.."

The Kim man looked away for a second, thinking of something, he seemed hesitant but decided it was th best and only idea.

"I'm going to grab some clothes for you, but you have to stay here okay? Don't move."

The Kim man said before he reached the bedroom, setting the boy down on the floor.

"Just dry yourself off or something."

He said before he disappeared from the room. Jungkook heard a 'click!' after a moment of silence and wanted to go check it out but the Kim man had to him not to move..

So the boy just stood there with a towel, not knowing what to do with it beside hold it. But when it dropped Jungkook gasped in panic and picked it up, trying to figure out how to put it back on like the Kim man did.

The small boy let out a whimper as he heard the man's footsteps coming closer to the bedroom, he was going to hurt him like... the Taehyung friend!

With only more and more panic and frustration building up the boy couldn't hold himself together anymore, the boys eyes watered and his bottom lip trembled. He made eye contact with the Kim man as he entered the room and then the waterworks really came out, tears starting to roll down the boys cheeks as he started to cry.

He didn't want that same thing to happen to him, it had hurt so bad!

The Kim man frowned in confusion, not knowing as to why the boy was crying. He sat down the clothes he has gotten for the boy and slowly walked closer, this only increasing the volume of Jungkook's crying.

"Hey hey.. what's wrong? What happened kid?"

But Jungkook didn't speak, he couldn't speak. The kid barely had any vocabulary to begin with, how in the world was he going to explain such a horrible thing that had happened.

"Well uhm.."

The Kim man bit his lip, having to think of something quickly. But how do you stop a child from crying? Right.. well, maybe reading all those books was finally going to pay off.

"Hey kid? Can you hear me?"

The Kim man asked and Jungkook nodded but continued to cry, so many emotions going trough him at once, the five year old couldn't understand what was going on anymore.

"Listen to me okay? I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the answer okay?"

Once again the Kim man only received a nod.

"Okay okay, tell me.. what colour is the sky?"

This question however made jungkook quite confused, the boys eyebrows furrowing as he stared at the Kim man, sniffling every now and then.

"Can you tell me?"

The Kim man softly asked as he gently smiled at Jungkook. Once upon a time the Kim man had read a book about children, as he had seen some coming in to the office every now and then and honestly, he didn't know how to handle them. In the book it said when a child was upset you have to ask them an obvious question to get them into a confused state so they would stop crying. And well, the results were amazing.

"U-uhm.." jungkook hiccuped as he looked around, he knew what colour the sky was! He just didn't know the word...

And that's when his eyes landed on a blue hoodie, the boy's eyes widening as he pointed at the hoodie.

"That's right kid! I guess you can answer my other question as well hm?"

The Kim man smiled as Jungkook nodded, already having forgotten why he was so upset.

"Okay okay, let's see.. what.. sound does a cow make?"

Jungkook however frowned at this question, what was a.. cow? The boy's lips puckered into a pout and he shrugged.

"Not cow."

The boy huffed, no one had ever told him what a cow was before, and now the Kim man had the audacity to ask him what it was??

The Kim man on the other hand chuckled at the boy's reaction, nodding to himself.

"Okay okay, I'll show you what a cow is during lunch, but let's just get you dressed for now okay?"

Jungkook nodded at the man's words, he wanted to know what a cow was! It seemed.  Interesting.

And thus the man helped the boy get dressed, brushing his hair as well despite the whines of protest he got from the smaller human.

And once all of that was done, the smaller human lied his head comfortable on the man's shoulder, feeling sleepy from all the crying he had done.

The Kim man couldn't help but cooe over the boy, gently rubbing his back as he sat down with the boy. And as promised he showed a video of a cow, Jungkook copying the "moo" as he rubbed his hand trough his eye.

"It's okay if you want to sleep kid. I'll make you a sandwich and you can just eat it later okay?"

But Jungkook had already fallen asleep by the time the man finished his sentence. This making the man chuckle softly as he now started to play with the boys hair.

"Sleep well kid."

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