chapter 7

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Jungkook glared at the two hybrids as they ate. The boy wanted to eat as well but no, the stupid meanies had to eat first before he could eat. The woman cooed at the boys behaviour and petted his head "how about we go see if we can clean up the living room so the masters can use it once they're done eating?" She softly smiled but frowned as the boy shook his head and pointed over at the food. "Come on now. It's not our time to eat yet" she said, getting a little irritated with the boys behaviour. She had met worse types before but she didn't tolerate their behaviour either. How dare he suggest they eat before the masters? It's rude and could make you lose the privilege to have three meals a day.

Yoongi looked over and smirked at his human "you want some hm?" He asked to which he got a firm little nod at. "Well you're not getting any until we're done so quit it or you won't get to eat any the entire day" Yoongi growled, glaring at his human making Jimin gasp "Yoonie! Thats mean! You should at least be a little kind to our human! Yes he eats after us but it's first time eating with us. He just doesn't know all the rules all of sudden." Jimin shook his head at Yoongi and looked over at the boy. "Its just a bit longer baby. If you behave I'll let you have some pancakes too okay?" Jimin softly smiled ad Jungkook slowly nodded, slowly processing that he would get food if he behaved.

Jungkook followed the mean lady into living room. She have him a broom buy he didn't do much with it. He just played around with the stick of the broom and danced around, making him giggle. The boy however stopped as the woman glared at Him " you're supposed to clean with it! Not play around. What would your masters think if they saw you do that?" She growled and Jungkook shrugged.

"Not many" he said and continued playing around, making the woman sigh and just continue with cleaning until a hybrid with white fur walked in, softly cooing at his cute human. "Is my love having fun?" Jimin asked as he walked over. He however pouted as his human stopped with Playing and ran off to the kitchen.

Jungkook clumb onto a chair and grabbed a pancake before he started eating it, happily enjoying the pancake. He swung his legs back and forth as he bit Into the oh so tasty pancake and happily chewed, not noticing the hybrid on the other side of the table that was quietly watching. Why was his human eating a pancake dry? Shouldn't you at least put maple syrup on it to make it tastier? Yoongi shook his head and continued watching his human.


Jungkook was just about to finish his pancake when he looked over and noticed a hybrid... sitting right across from him... the boys eyes widened and he slowly put his pancake piece down, now just staring at the hybrid in front of him.  He took in the how dark the fur of the hybrid was... It reminded him of the night... all the fur missed were the pretty stars that shine during the night.

He slowly picked up his last bit of pancake and put it into his mouth, slowly chewing on it before swallowing. He tilted his head to the side as he saw the hybrid get up and leave the room. What was he going to do? Jungkook shrugged it off and went back to eating until his tummy was full. He grabbed his plate before he hopped off of his chair, going to the sink and stepping onto his small stool before putting his plate with the other dishes.

The boy frowned at the loud sounds that came from his plate making contact with the rest off the dish and quickly got off of his stool. He waddled over to the stairs but was stopped by a certain female "stop right there young man, we're doing the dishes and you're drying" she said while glaring him. Jungkook sighed and turned around before he waddled back over and stepped into his little s stool again. He took the towel she handed him and once be received his first plate he started drying it. Jungkook couldn't keep up with the pace the mean lady washed in, making him fall behind on drying quickly. Because of this, the lady quickly finished with doing the dishes while Jungkook still had many plates left to dry.

Jungkook sighed as the lady left and stared at everything he still had to dry... Jungkook didn't feel like drying any more dishes... so that's exactly what he did. He put the towel away and stepped off of his little stool, going to the stairs before heading to his room. He didn't know what the consequences were going to be. But he would soon find out.

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