chapter 36

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Jungkook whimpered as he sat on the strangers woman, looking at Namjoon as he non verbally pleaded for help. The kid didn't understand what was going on, he could tell it wasn't good, but he didn't know why the Namjoon man couldn't help  him. He didn't want to be anywhere near the woman!

Namjoon however couldn't anything against the woman that held Jungkook in her arms, he was powerless against the woman and he knew it. If he behaved on the other hand, things would go better for him and Jungkook, and this whole ordeal would be over for them. And the sooner it would be over, the better.

Namjoon simply shook his head in defeat, sighing as the car slowed down. The man got out of the vehicle and walked around it, opening the door for the hybrid who was still sitting inside. And the female hybrid stepped out of the car, looking over at Namjoon.

"Such a gentleman~"

The woman giggled and started to head towards her home, Namjoon quickly following so he could keep an eye on Jungkook. He didn't want the boy to get hurt because of his relations to the woman.

And as the frontdoor of the mansion opened, Namjoon bit his lip. He had been there before and had promised himself he would never have to set foot inside of it again, but sometimes Namjoon would have to break promises he made to himself for the greater good. While he heavily disliked doing so, he wasn't going to risk putting a child in danger simply because it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Well Namjoon didn't just feel a little uncomfortable, but he felt like downplaying it so he could magically convince himself that it wasn't that bad and he could do this.

The tall male looked around the hallway of the entrance, it still looked the same as it used to. Just a new coat of paint to make the white shine at it's brightests. The crystal chandelier still hung there with all it's glory, Stephanie loved  chandeliers. The woman had at least fifteen of those things hanging around her house, if none had been added in the time Namjoon hadn't been there.

But the man looked down as he felt pressure around his leg, sighing in relief to see it was Jungkook hugging his leg. The man reached down and pet the boy's head gently, the child leaning into the touch as it felt nice and comforting.

The boy had been set free from the woman's evil clutches and returned to the only person he could trust at the moment. While the entire place was new to the boy, Namjoon was his comfort as he was familiar with the man and trusted him, unlike the meanie hybrid woman.

The man gently lifted the boy up, looking over at the woman who was standing in the door frame, staring at the two. 

"Do you want me to start already? I do need to do some prep.."

Namjoon asked as he looked away, looking at a painting of some forest that was hanging on the wall. It had always hung there, he didn't know where the forest was and if it meant anything, but the female always seemed to look at it when she wasn't aware he was looking.

"hmm.. Sure, just make sure I can see that cute butt of yours."

Stephanie grinned, winking at the man as she headed off to the living room area, there being lots of space with two couches with a coffee table inbetween the two, a painting of Stephanie and her deceased husband and tall shelves with books standing in them. Although, Namjoon suspected the woman never read any of them since he had never seen any of the books be read by anyone and the lady simply didn't seem like someone who enjoyed reading.

But Namjoon made his way over to kitchen, ignoring Stephanie's statement as he knew that reacting to any of it meant no good for him or Jungkook. Dealing with it quietly was the safest and smartest option at the moment.

"Do you want to help me prepare all the food before we actually start cooking?"

Namjoon softly smiled at the kid, who thought for a moment as he needed to process the words before he slowly nodded. Cooking wasn't fun last time with the mean lady, but Namjoon was nice.. So cooking with him would be fun too.. right?

And thus Namjoon set the boy down on the counter before he walked over and opened the refrigerator, grabbing a bunch of vegetables as he was thinking what dish to make. He didn't care if Stephanie was going to enjoy it or not, he simply wanted Jungkook and himself to enjoy the meal. And with the little time the two of them had spent together, Namjoon knew the kid wasn't the most picky eater. The boy really ate anything when he was hungry, as if he used to be starved..

Yes there were little nose scrunches when the boy had to eat some of the vegetables, but he never said anything about the food, probably also because the kid could barely speak. The boy never rejected any of the food Namjoon gave him, nor did he let anything lie on his plate at the end of his meal.

Namjoon had thought about it before, but currently he had to get to preparing the vegetables so Jungkook wouldn't feel to distressed about the whole situation that was going on. Luckily for them nothing bad had happened, yet.

Hello! I am officially final free which means I have more time to write! I wrote this chapter on my laptop during a stream ( ) and I might do more writing on streams, it's pretty fun.

This chapter has more actions but I'm sure a chapter with more dialogue will come very soon! I'd say be prepared.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and thank you for reading ^^


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