chapter 15

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Jungkook stared at the Kim man, feeling petrified at the man's words. The younger human looked at the Kim man with wide eyes before he softly whimpered, his eyes now being cast at the table in front of him.

The Kim man sighed and shook his head at the kid's action and awkwardly petted the boys head.

"I didn't mean to scare you that much.. is just that we don't need someone to fuck up our p- I mean.. fuck up and make them decipher our secret language. So only talking in words from now on okay?"

Jungkook frowned at the Kim man's words but nodded and slowly looked up at the Kim man again.

"What.. fuck... mean?"

The boy spoke slowly, having trouble finding the right words and forming a 'good' sentence. But hey, at least the Kim man understood... right? I mean, he did start laughing afterall.

"This kid I can't."

The Kim man laughed and smiled at the smaller human, the smaller human softly blushing from the dazzling smile from the much taller human.

"Out of everything you could've have asked... You ask what fuck means?"

The Kim man grinned and went back to laughing, hunching over as he clutched his stomach. Jungkook huffed as his face turned red and the boy got off of his chair before he stormed off, going into the hallway he had seen earlier.

The Kim man's laughs could still be heard from the hallway as Jungkook opened a random door at the end on the left, slowly opening it and peaking in.

Everything in the room seemed normal.. a desk, a bed, a closet. Pretty normal seeming to Jungkook. The small human slowly walked in and walked to the nightstand that had caught his eye, well more the photograph standing on top of the nightstand. The human grabbed it and looked at the photo, it seemed to be a picture of the Kim man when he was younger and someone else on his right...

Jungkook could've sworn he knew the person on the right as he looked suspiciously familiar but the boy just couldn't place who it was. Jungkook simply shrugged it off and set the frame back on the nightstand before he lied down on the bed, after taking his shoes off of course. The boy could really use a nap.

He closed his eyes and within seconds the boy was gone, curled up under the sheets as he slept quietly.


Jimin on the other hand wasn't quite as relaxed as Jungkook, the stress only getting to him more and more. The anxiety that was building up within him didn't help the hybrid either.

What if... what if Jungkook had been sold to traffickers and his baby would have to work as a disgusting whore for the rest of his life. He couldn't even imagine what he would do if he found out about it!

Jimin sighed and as another second went by everything was just too much for the hybrid. He teared up and knew it was time for drastic measures, he was going to wake up Yoongi from his nap.

Jimin hurried to the bedroom, not wanting any time he could use to not he well spent. The white cat hybrid slammed the door to their bedroom ooen and he fought back a sob as he saw Yoongi sleeping so peacefully. How.. How could he do such a thing in a time like this?! Their little pet was lost and he was taking a fucking nap!

"Wake up you bastard!"

Jimin yelled with rage before a sob overthrew his anger, the two emotions going back and forth in taking the dominance. Yoongi however just whined and rolled over, making Jimin emit a growl from the back of his troath.

Jimin made a fist on his hand and raised it before he slammed it down on Yoongi's back. The black cat hybrid immediatly opening his eyes. Jimin had only hit him once before. And that was when Yoongi had pushed him over the line with all the teasing and Jimin just got so... so angry..

Yoongi did admit he was terrified of the anger that could posses Jimin, but at the same time it was also.. sexy, in a way..

But Yoongi knew it wasn't the right time to think about how hot Jimin looked at he glared daggers into his soul.

"Our little pet, our baby.. is missing. And you're fucking napping?!"

Jimin screamed and Yoongi looked away, not wanting to anger his lover even a single bit more.

"Do you even fucking care?! Or is your sleep so much more important than looking for a loved one?! It's always 'no Jimin, sleep is important because of this. Sleep is important because of that! How can you sleep when our baby could possibly be kidnapped?! You insensitive asshole!"

Jimin screamed before he stomped off, Yoongi getting out of the bed and quickly hurrying after him. Yoongi's eyes widened as he realised where  Jimin was going.

"No no no no bab-"

"Do not baby me right now Min Yoongi! And why would you even care?!"

Jimin growled as he barged into Yoongi's study. Yoongi had a space all to himself where he could just produce music and calm down when he needed to. But if Yoongi cared so little about finding their baby.. He wouldn't care if all of his equipment got broken either... right?

Yoongi jumped in front of his angered lover, but to no avail. Jimin easily managed to shove Yoongi aside. The boy seemed to gain a lot of strength whenever he was mad... Yoongi just thought it was insane but it's what he agreed to when he decided he'd marry Jimin.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's beloved computer, lifting it up. This motion caused cables to rip out and Yoongi whimpered, staring at the sight as he begged Jimin to please put down his computer. But it didn't help.

"You don't care about our baby... BUT WHY CAN YOU CARE ABOUT A PIECE OF METAL?!"

Jimin screamed and threw the monitor down on the floor, the monitor breaking on impact once it hit the floor. Yoongi started at the monitor with wide eyes, his whole body frozen as Jimin kicked the shit out of the rest of Yoongi's equipment. But after everything that Jimin did to Yoongi's equipment, the angered hybrid causing Yoongi to lose years of work, photo's, videos...

It was Yoongi's turn to be furious.

Another update heheheheh and once again a little over a thousand words ^-^ I'm beginning to get a lot better at writing even heheheh.

Stay safe everyone! I hope you enjoyed it!


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