chapter 33

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"you okay kid? You're not supposed to drop your lollipop."

Namjoon chuckled softly as he petted the boys head, the small boy letting out a soft whimper as he moved himself so his face was hidden, gripping onto the man's jacket.

"Whoa whoa.. buddy calm down, what's wrong?"

Namjoon frowned, but only got a whimper in response, the boy now shaking.

But Jungkook wasn't the only thing that was shaking, a loud crash was heard from on top of the ambulance, the vehicle starting to bounce.

It slowly came to a stop and it was quiet for a moment, before the roof was ripped off. Namjoon tightened his grip around the boy in his arms as his face shot up the moment the roof was removed.

"Oh how cute~ three slaves in a little ambulance, did you master hurt you? Boohoo how sad."

The hybrid laughed hysterically to himself, almost falling over into the ambulance as he clutched his stomach . Namjoon and Lucia exchanged a look before they both looked back up at the hybrid.

"What do you want?"

Lucia snapped at the hybrid and the hyena let himself drop down, towering over Lucia.

"You do NOT speak to me like that you filthy slave, especially not the females."

The hyena growled before he spat into her face, Lucia scoffing as she wiped the spit from her face.

"You did not just spit at me."

She said in disbelief as she looked into the hybrids eyes, a grin forming onto the animals face.

"What are you going to do about it hm? You slaves aren't shit."

The hybrid stared at Lucia challenging, and it was now Lucia's turn to grin.

The woman held eye contact for a second more, and just as the hybrid was about the speak again, most likely to taunt her, she struck.

The woman moved her arm up in a quick movement, her palm coming into contact with the hybrids nose. And as her palm did so, the hybrid felt the bone inside a his nose snapping.

Lucia quickly moved away from the hybrid who was now clutching his nose as blood had already started to run, and forced Namjoon to stand up.

"How did you-"

Namjoon tried to question but Lucia cut him off before he could finish his sentence, the woman opening the backdoor of the ambulance.

"Give me the child."

The woman said as she stepped out of the vehicle, holding out both of her arms so Namjoon could exit the vehicle without having to worry about the boy. And Namjoon did as told, gently handing the boy over to his colleague before he got out as well.

And Jungkook was back into the man's arms after he stood on the concrete road.

Namjoon didn't know how Lucia knew all of this self defence, but he wasn't going to question her and he knew him carrying Jungkook would be smarter in case they did need to be defended.

"Seeing how violent these hybrids are being, let's get moving. We don't know what they're planning."

Lucia said as she started walking away from the vehicle, looking around her as an attempt to asses the situation. Namjoon simply nodded as he followed the woman, watching her scan the area and looking around himself as well. The woman.. was a lot different than she normally did.

Normally Lucia would be complaining but still be playful about it, with the occasional screaming the man's name as she entered his office. She normally wouldn't hurt a fly.

Well.. this wasn't normally was it? Lucia looked focused, on edge and so serious.

It was as if her brain had switched to some sort of survival mode.

Not that Namjoon minded, it had saved him and Jungkook from any harm that could have happened.

And Namjoon was thankful for it, he didn't want any of them hurt. While Namjoon himself wasn't that much of a fighter, he did have some muscle. And if needed he would do anything to survive.

Lucia however pulled the man out of his thought as she forced the man to get down behind a car.

"Do you know sign language?"

The woman signed, not wanting to risk them being heard. Where she had learned sign language Namjoon did not know, but from what he could see, she knew it well.

Namjoon simply nodded, understanding they couldn't speak at the moment. The boy in his arms also perked up, finally seeing people speak a language he could somewhat speak.


The boy signed and Lucia smiled sadly at him as she nodded, reaching out her hand and gently placing it against the skin of his cheek.

"It's going to be okay, but you need to be really quiet now okay?"

The woman stared at the boy as he nodded, carefully petting his head. Jungkook nodded as Namjoon looked at the kid with wide eyes.

He knew sign language

This was great, finally a way to communicate with him! Namjoon didn't know how big the boys vocabulary was, but it was definitely to their advantage.

"More hybrids, look."

The woman nudged her head to the side, Namjoon moving up a little to peak trough the window of the car they were hiding behind.

And his eyes widened, the man slapping his hand over his mouth as he saw the paramedic that helped them earlier lying there, torn apart into little pieces.

Namjoon felt like throwing up, feeling the sandwich he ate earlier coming back up, but the man forced himself to swallow it back down.

Now was the time to focus and plan, he simply couldn't be weak.


God I love Lucia so much, I wanted to make a strong woman instead of Namjoon protecting her. Lucia knows her way around a fight.

But yeah, the hassle continues. I like where the story is going ^^

Thank you for reading


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