chapter 35

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Namjoon stood there frozen as he watched Jungkook try to get out of the hybrids hold, the boy looking like he was going to have a meltdown at any second from now.

"Stephanie... I told you to leave me alone."

Namjoon sighed as he shook his head, regaining his senses.


An old.. 'acquaintance'. But God did Namjoon hate the woman, he didn't just hate her, he despised her.

"Cmon now Joonie, that was a long time ago. Cute kid you got, from your 'wife' or recently bought?"

The woman giggled as Namjoon rolled his eyes in disgust, crossing his arms as he did his best to keep himself calm.

"May I have him back? I'm not in the mood to play your games.

The human bit his tongue as he held back a scoff, he couldn't blow up in public. He couldn't afford to do so.

"Why do you have to spoil the mood Joonie? Always in a bad mood ever since that woman got you in her clutches."

"Do not call me Joonie, you lost that privilege a long time ago. And don't talk about Hyejin like that, especially not after what you have done. Now give me my kid back."

Namjoon glared at the female in front of him, holding out his arms. However, the hybrid simply stuck out her tongue.

"No I think I'll keep him for a moment longer."

She grinned and Namjoon had to fight hold himself back with all his might to not wipe that stupid grin off of the females face.

"It wasn't a request, Stephanie."

"Oh I love when you get all angry like that, so manly~"

She giggled and gently pet his shoulder, but hissed as Jungkook bit into her arm. The Honey Badger glaring at Jungkook, making the boy whimper and look away in fear.

"Do you want me to kill you kid?"

The female, clearly angry now that she's been provoked, growled and Jungkook quickly shook his head.

"I swear to god if you even touch him I will-"

"You will what Namjoon? You are a human, and while you might have connections, so do I. Now be quiet and stay in your place before I pull some strings and get everything you love taken away from you including this kid. He'll make a cute little servant for Chloe. You know how she loves cute things after all."

The woman giggled, Namjoon looking away as he bit his lip. He couldn't do anything against Stephanie. While he may stand above the average human, he still was no hybrid.

With just a snap of her finger, Stephanie could indeed make Namjoon lose everything he owned and be sent back right to the slavery hell hole.

"Now you are going to come with me and we're going to have a nice dinner. We have some catching up to do and I'm feeling hungry. It's been too long since I last had your cooking."

Namjoon quietly sighed and nodded, knowing what was awaiting him already.

"Yes.. ma'am, but could I please just have the kid back? He looks like he's about to break down and-"

"No, he'll just have to learn that his superiors can and will do whatever they want with him."


Lucia laughed as she saw the hybrids falling to the ground as they clutched their ears. While it wasn't good, Lucia simply loved the see the bastards suffer.

And the best part? The frequencies were too high for her to even hear, so she didn't have a single thing bothering her at the moment.

Lucia smiled as she stepped out of the car, she didn't care that she would have to get a new phone. She was glad the entire chase was over.

The woman walked past the bus the had been toppled, sighing in relief as she saw a crowd in the distance.

And too her luck, the police Namjoon had called arrived. The officer's quickly rushed over, a blonde officer with the name Alyssa checking up on Lucia as the fellow officers arrested the hybrids.

Sometimes having humans in the police brigade wasn't that bad.

"I think I'm fine, the adrenaline is still pumping so I'll still be on edge but yeah. Fine. Great!"

Lucia spoke, almost like a mad woman, but Alyssa could understand the behaviour. Getting chased by fifteen hybrids is scary, especially when they don't have good intent in mind.

"Okay okay good. Ma'am we are going to have bring you to the station because we do need to ask you some questions."

"Yeah.. yeah that's fine. Wait, that means Namjoon has to come as well right? I don't know where he currently is but he's also a witness."

"Another witness? Do you know if they got to safety?"

Alyssa asked, her hand maneuvering to her walkie-talkie already.

"I-I don't know.. I was the distraction in hopes that him and the kid could get to safety but-"

Alyssa however cut Lucia off as she heard the word "kid" drop, and not knowing if the kid was in danger or not was something dangerous.

"Officer Min here, there could potentially be a kid in danger, asking for back up. I repeat a kid could possible be in danger."

And Lucia watched the woman walk away, knowing it was best to leave it to the cops now. While she was a lawyer, it wasn't her job to bring people to safety in dangerous situation like these.

Another officer escorted her to one of the cars and she took place, staring at the officer who picked up her pace, only to disappear behind the bus lying on its side.





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