Chapter 18

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Y'all better go support my best friend smollboop. She's not feeling good and she needs some cheering up!


Everyone watched as Taehyung went at Jin, the boy whimpering as he tried to defend himself but it was to no avail, it would only make Taehyung punch him harder as the tiger hybrid saw it as disobiedence.

It went on and on until Jimin heard a knock on the door, Taehyung completely missing it as his focus was on his human.

Jimin snuck over to the door as quietly as he could and Hoseok watched him with a frown, not having heard the knock over all the cries from Jin. The cat hybrid opened the door and his eyes widened as he saw hybrids in suits with special guns.

Animal protection

Jimin thought and bit his lip, knowing better than to interfere with them, you could be arrested by them.

Animal protection wasn't as you'd normally expect. Animal protection was a sort of police but for the real special cases. The police was called when there were burglaries or when people went missing. But animal protection would get involved when a hybrid got out of hand like the tiger hybrid going at Jin.

Jimin watched the men pour into the house, guns ready for if the hybrid would go at them. Animal protection always worked in groups of 4 or more, so they could always outnumber the animal that went rogue.

One of the officers slowly went closer and Taehyung looked over, growling as he heard footsteps approach him. He took a glance at the badge on the officers chest before he looked back at Jin.

"You did this didn't you?"

Taehyung growled as the boy whimpered but nodded, knowing honesty was better than to lie, it might hurt now but it wouldn't have percussions later, unlike when he lied.

Taehyung raised his fist, ready to go at Jin again but then he felt it. Something piercing his skin. The hybrid felt the world start to spin before he fell to the side, landing right beside Jin.

Jin scrambled away as he whimpered, not caring about the fact that his body hurt, the poor boy however bumped into one of the officers legs and he let out a scream before he curled up.

All the hybrids could smell the fear coming from the human and Jimin felt bad for not having intervened. He could've done something about Jin getting so hurt.. He could've prevented it all.. yet he didn't..  But why?

Jimin frowned at his own thoughts and shook his head, the system had always been unfair but why change it now? There were positive sides to it too.. maybe.

The officer softly gasped from how the human reacted and crouched down but the human whimpered, only trying to curl up more as to not get hurt more.

"Hey Mike? Can you get Alyssa? Maybe she can talk to him without freaking out."

The officer crouching next to Jin looked over at his colleague as he spoke softly and the other office nodded, stepping away to make a call.

With in five minutes of the call another person entered the scene but this time it was.. it was a human? All hybrids frowned at the human but the officers didn't seem phased.

The petite woman walked over to the officer that was still crouched next to Jin and got onto her knees.

"Oh you poor thing.. what's his name?"

The woman looked over at the hybrids who still stood there frowing.

"Excuse me, I asked you a question."

The woman raised her brow and Yoongi frowned, how did a human have the audacity to speak to him, a hybrid. No human was allowed to speak this freely, they were lowlifes afterall.

Yoongi growled but one of the officers snapped back at him.

"You are to treat someone higher than you with respect sir. If you cannot I ask you to please leave. But leaving means not being able to stand trail."

"What? Stand trail against what?"

Hoseok frowned as he turned to the officer who just spoke, Yoongi's frown only getting worse.

"We will stand trail against the hybrid who beat up his human and the cat hybrid over there."

Hoseok's eyes widened at the words and he could fear slowly starting to settle in his body.

"B-but why? He was just a little angry.."

"I'm sorry sir but it's against to law to lash out on your human like that. It says it in the contract of when you bought your human. Haven't you heard of it? It's rule 3 on the list 'you may teach boundaries to your human but you are forbidden to raise your fists against it.' Failing in doing so results in going to court, which he will be doing so."

The officer shook his head as the woman sighed.

"Great and all you don't know the rules to having a human, but I need his name!"

The woman snapped and yoongi growled.

"Don't speak to me like that woman, you have no right in doing so! You're a.. a low life! You should know your place in this society!"

Yoongi yelled, feeling his anger once again rise again and the woman shook her head.

"I stand a higher place in this society than you ever will, Min Yoongi. So shut up and just give me the humans name damnit!"

The woman yelled back at Yoongi and his eyes widned.

"W-wait... hold on.. Alyssa?"

Yoongi frowned but the woman growled.

"Don't you dare come closer Min Yoongi."

Jimin frowned, who was this woman? How did she know his Yoonie? Yes they just had a fight but Jimin still loved Yoongi nonetheless.

"Yoongi? W-who is this?"

Jimin looked at the woman with a frown before looking at Yoongi.

"Oh you don't know? Well why would he even bother telling you huh? Afterall, I'm the black sheep of the family huh.. well then.. hello, I'm Alyssa, and I am Yoongi's sister."

So Yoongi has a sister huh..  who knew?

Did you enjoy this chapter?? I hope so ^-^ stay safe everyone!


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