chapter 20

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Yoongi and Jimin sat in the van of animal protection, together with the rest of the group that had come in earlier.

"You know..  the name is really deceiving.."

Jimin mumbled and officer Mike chuckled with a nod.

"It is, but if we had named it human protection no one would ever call. And besides, we do protect animals. If an animal goes rogue in public we have to protect the others in the area."

Officer Mike examined and Jimin slowly nodded at his words, realising that what he said was true.

"Do you.. Do you guys have to do this often?"

Jimin looked down at his lap and played with the hem of his shirt and Alyssa nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised by how many hybrids beat humans. Oh there was this one case where a puma tortured a human to death.. And you know what's the worst part? He only got 2 years in prison for 'good' behaviour. Meanwhile when a human steals because they're hungry they get the death sentence because humans should do it with what they have."

Alyssa shook her head as Jimin's eyes were wide at the words she had spoken.

"B-but..  that's so unfair! The crimes aren't equal!"

Jimin looked at Alyssa with shock and the blonde nodded.

"Oh I know. But hey, you're a hybrid. You have it good. You have privileges that us humans don't get. Right Yoongi?"

The woman snapped at the cat hybrid and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I can't help it that mom didn't like you."

The hybrid rolled his eyes once again and Alyssa shook her head.

"So you couldn't stand up for me once huh? Oh right, I should've never been born. Right yoonie?"

"Yes that's right!"

Yoongi snapped back and Alyssa snickered.

"Still has anger issues huh?"

She giggled and Jimin frowned. How could she speak so openly?

"Aren't you being a little harsh?"

Jimin spoke softly as he looked at the woman, he didn't know about their past but she had no right to be rude to him.

"Oh I'm being harsh? Why don't you ask your lover about the times he yelled at me and set me up against my mom?"

Jimin frowned and was about to ask more but the car stopped and the petite woman got up before getting our of the car. Jimin followed with a sigh but his eyes widned as he saw the police office and he hurried after her.

"Are we going to report Jungkook missing? Because Yoongi didn't want to cause his sleep was apparently a lot more important and then the whole fight happened and-"

"Please stop rambling. You're only digging a deeper grave for yourself you know?"

Jimin's eyes widened at her words before he frowned.

"W-what do you mean? I'm just explaining the situation!

The cat huffed and crossed his arms as the blonde shook her head.

"Oh oh Jimin. You do realize you two not doing anything to find your human as soon as possible makes the chance of him being taken away even bigger, don't you?"

Jimin looked away with a pout, he didn't like this woman. Not at all. Why couldn't she just submit and obey like all the other humans? Why did she get to boss him around? This wasn't the way their system works!

The two entered the building and Jimin was surprised by the amount of humans he saw walking around, happily talking as they held onto papers and such. A pair of humans walked by, joking around and such but this attitude however changed as they saw Jimin and they bowed before the group hurried off, Jimin frowning at the interaction.

"Over here."

Alyssa gestured her head to the right before she walked over to an office. She knocked on the office door as Jimin read the letters written on it 'officer Pence'. Alyssa opened the door once a voice inside the office said 'come in!'

Jimin sighed in relief, finally he could speak to a normal officer! This feeling however was gone in a second when the hybrid was met with the human sitting on the leather office chair.

"Oh officer Min, what can I do for you?"

The human smiled at the woman and the blonde sighed, walking over to his desk.

"The hybrid over here wants to re-"

"I'm sorry, but could I please speak to a real officer?"

Jimin cut Alyssa off, his head tilted to the side as he asked the question. Officer Pence frowned at the question and looked at Jimin as if he was crazy.

"I'm sorry? I think you misunderstood. I am officer Pence.."

The officer frowned and the two humans looked at each other before they looked at the hybrid.

"You can't be an officer here. You must be the Secretary, now please stop joking at let me speak to the real officer."

Jimin frowned, he didn't find the joke funny at all. Jimin however was relieved when a hybrid walked in.

"I finished do-"

"You! You must be officer Pence right?! They can't be serious about him being the officer!"

Jimin once again cut a person off but was once again looked at if he was crazy. The hybrid looked over at the officer who just shrugged before she looked back at the cat hybrid.

"No sir.. I'm officer Pence's helper. I do his paper work and such while he works on cases of humans and hybrids going missing..."

The mouse shook her head at Jimin's question and walked over to the desk, setting the papers down.

"As I was saying.. I finished the paper work you wanted me to do sir.."

The mouse smiled shyly and the human nodded with a smile.

"Thank you Leila, now how about you go take a break, when you have to do so much paper work you have to take breaks from time to time or else you can't focus."

The human smiled and Jimin could've sworn the mouse had a small blush growing on her cheeks.

"Y-yes Sir, thank you sir."

The mouse bowed before she hurried out of the office and Jimin frowned. This wasn't how normal interactions went between humans and hybrids.. hybrids were the one in charge!

So, what do you think of how Jimin has become? And what do you think of the story so far? I'm doing my best not to rush it like I did with I'm not little. My goal is 30+ chapters so I can say this book is up to the standards I want to have it ^-^

Have a great day and stay safe!


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