"I do too", she grins happily, "But we'll see each other again soon! You invited us to the show in New York, remember?"

"Yeah and you better spend all of your money on army bombs and merch otherwise you're a fake fan", he says in a serious tone, although joking.

"I have a Chimmy hat that Minjun bought me a while back, is that enough?", she giggles.

"No. Only Shooky merch is allowed", he replies deadpan, "You two belong to me."

Laughing a bit, she covers her mouth, "I know for a fact that Minjun is not going to want to rep some dumbass cookie at a concert."

"Hey!", he plays offended, "Shooky is not some dumbass cookie! He's a struggling baker that wants to help his dying grandpa."

As they laugh together, Yoongi's mood really brightens up. Something that happens a lot when he's around Minjun and Myeong. When he first met his boyfriend's best friend, he wasn't sure how to feel about her and was frankly a little irritated, but she sort of grew on him in the amount of time the three of them would hang out.

"Anyway...", Yoongi feels his battery slowly draining as he becomes more sleepy, "Tell Minjun I miss him when you see him. And tell him not to get too many hangovers."

"Will do", she giggles again, "Sweet dreams to you, Yoongs."

"Thanks", he sighs gently, watching her space out as there's only a trace of her smile left, "You're good, right Myeong?"

Although he's never spoken about it to her directly, Minjun mentioned Myeong's mental health struggles to him a few times. Knowing it's very late in Korea right now and the fact that she called him unprompted, can't help but make his mind wander.

"Yeah, I'm fine", she gives another smile, "Just sleepy like you."

"Okay", he accepts it, being too tired himself, "Good night, Myeong."

"Good night, Yoongi."

Her soft voice is the last thing he hears before the call hangs up and he drifts into deep sleep shortly thereafter.

The California tour dates arrive sooner than expected and so do Taehyung's little guests to the shows. Both Moonhae and Eunjin arrive at the same time at the venue from the airport. Although Moon has a tour of her own to take care of, she has a week between performances at the moment. Wanting to support her boyfriend in the same way he supports her, she arrived on the soonest flight. Eunjin, of course, followed suit, being promised a ticket to one of the oversees shows by her brother. Other motives she may have for coming are obviously completely unknown to Taehyung.

Entering the boy's dressing room with Moonhae, her brother is the first to greet them wholeheartedly. He's obviously missed Moon a lot, for their hug lasts a whole two minutes before he finally turns to Eunjin.

"How was your flight?", he looks between the two.

"Good", Moonhae smiles and cups his cheeks, leaning up to kiss him lightly.

At the same time, all Eunjin can seem to focus on is an intense gaze on her from across the room. Jungkook sits, leaning against one of the makeup tables, while fiddling with his outfit and his eyes never leaving her. She can see the way he has his tongue in cheek, refraining from jumping up and embracing her, having to hold back in front of everyone.

Instead, he walks over casually, "Hey, Eunjin."

"Hi, Kook", she replies, trying to keep her expression neutral. Them pretending to be strangers all while Taehyung's just talking to his girlfriend next to them makes her want to burst out laughing.

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