To Love Is Divine

Start from the beginning

He gawked at her in amusement before replying "I was in a few relationships after we fell apart but they were nothing compared to you. None of them worked. I had hopes for me and a fellow packmate named Viola but it turned out that since I am not a wolf I am forbidden by law to pursue her. So I have given up my hope for love a long time ago."

Julia put her hand on Callan's shoulder as a token of sympathy "Don't say that. Destiny has its ways to bind people together."

"It isnt that easy." He whispered in hopelessness.

"Indeed It is not." She retrieved her hand and sighed "When you told me that you cannot marry me, I was devastated. I cried for days together, never left my room."

"I am truly sorry." bumpy tear drops erupted from his eyes. He knew he was at fault. He had aspirations for their future. He colored her in his own vision, made her a part of his plans, showed her a fantasy world only to crush her dreams and leave her stranded all alone.

He looked sideways to hide his shameful tears before making a courageous effort to look at her smiling face as she said "I had to accomplish the duty to my father and so I agreed to marry someone else. I never lied to any of my suitors. I told them everything, even the fact that we slept together. I got rejected every time. When Leonard came to my house I was shocked."


"I never really liked him. He was a stalker, or that's what i thought about him initially. He used to follow me everywhere since we were kids. It turned out he loved me for a long long time. He was apprehensive about himself, that he doesnt 'suit' me because of his looks. He backed down when he saw that I was with you. So when he proposed a marriage I was taken aback." She chuckled a mild laugh before wiping a tear of her cheek "He agreed to marry me knowing that i may not love him back. He said that having me in his life was a gift. As the days went on I cherished the moments between us, the efforts and dedication he put on to sustain this one sided marriage was remarkable. I realised that no one in the entire world could love me as he did and still does.."

"I am really happy that you met Leonard." Callan smiled as the burden of his repentance was now somewhat lighter. He was content that Julia was well taken care of. That she was being loved as she truly deserved.

"Yes I am too. You know Callan, I made him suffer so much! Never cooperated with him, threw tantrums and even made him cry. All of it just so that he could leave me alone, abandon me but he did not budge. He waited. He kept a firm resolve and did not expect anything in return. His patience and resilience was praiseworthy. He was so determined to win my love that I had to cave in eventually. I realised that you cannot fight your fate. So what I am trying to say here is that you should not be upset, just dont lose hope. I am sure there is someone made out there just for you."

These comforting words from someone important really filled Callan's mind with hope. Tomorrow he was going to leave his pack and live a life entirely new. A life which was meant for him. So why not give another chance to destiny and wait for his special someone. There was no harm in holding back a little. He plastered an encouraging smile and ruffled Julia's hair "Were you always this wise or is it the baby in you."

"How did you know...?" she stared at him in shock as her biggest kept secret was revealed just like that. Most importantly what bothered her more was that it had been only a month and there were no clear signs to detect if she was pregnant. Then how did Callan know?

"I..I'm not sure." Callan was surprised by his own revelation. He discerned the baby within her and not just that, he was even sure of the gender! 

But how? Was he hallucinating? Was something wrong with him?

 He looked at the glowing bracelet in his hand and panicked "I should leave."

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