"Sure you've just. . . done it, rather quickly." He pointed out seeing she looked seventeen, at least, now.

"Umm. Yeah."  She shrugged knowing she grew faster than normal people did.

"Um look, have I done something to disappoint you?" he asked.

"No." she said her tone a bit shocked and a bit guilty.

"I'm, I mean, because, if I have, I'm sorry. I don't know exactly what I could have done differently um, to be honest, it's hard. This whole parenting thing and being responsible what with the zompocalypse and everything."

"It's whatever. . . you look a little different yourself." she said noticing he wasn't blue anymore and his hair was dark not white.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm cured." He said with a smile and she frowned.

"Was there something wrong?"
"No, no, no, no. –" he tried to backtrack realizing he'd offended her.

"That's okay." She said turning away from him again.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean –"

"Relax." She cut him off, "Honestly I . . . I just don't. . . feel anything, with you."

"Um, I understand." He said seeming saddened.


"But I think that –"

"But you." She turned to Warren and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Lucy." She smiled and they stared at each other, "Something's wrong isn't it?"


"Addy?" Warren asked and Lucy's lip trembled.

"I didn't want to leave her. She told me to go, she said she'd find me. We were headed to a refugee camp. Everyone's going to Newmerica."

"Okay, we should get to that camp, she'll look for us there, okay?" Warren said and Lucy nodded as they all got in the car.


Doc was still back at camp worrying about 10K, and now the Lieutenant was talking about ditching the camp and heading north without the Kid. He was certain 10K wasn't going to find Red, he'd only find whatever had killed her. But Doc knew the Kid, he knew how well he survived but that didn't mean he didn't still worry. Then he was pulled from his worried thoughts as they heard a car approaching and drew their weapons as a dark SUV appeared on the road and parked in front of the camp.

"Identify yourselves!" Mueller shouted as a blonde woman got out of the driver's seat.

"Doc?" she called seeing him.

"Warren?" he put down his gun and opened the gate for her. She had a wide smile as she hugged him and he chuckled.

"What the hell Chief?" he said pulling away, "Aw, I'm digging the hair."

"You like? Apocalyptic blonde."

"Right on." They laughed as Lucy walked in and ignored them and Doc turned to Warren questioningly but before she could explain he heard another voice.

"What's up Doc?" he turned and saw Murphy, no longer blue and they hugged too. "Thanks man. You're the first person on the mainland who's been half happy to see me." Murphy said.

"What do you mean?" Doc asked and Murphy nodded to Lucy as she went into a tent. "Oh yeah, well, you reap what you spawn brother."

"Ain't that the truth." They walked in and Doc closed the gate behind them as the others made introductions.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now