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After a long day of school, I quickly go to my room and I refuse to come out. A sigh escapes me as I throw myself onto the bed, the pillows taking the impact of my head with the softest drop. My eyes go to the calender that's hanging on the wall, checking for the next full moon. Which is next week a paternally. 'That is going to be fun,' I think to myself. I wonder where everyone is...

Finally making the decision, I slip on a pair of black jeans and a plain old shirt and walks out the room to the library. The halls weren't very full while I walked through them, heading into the library very surprisingly the place was packed full of students studying until there seemed to be a cover of dust flying through the air.

'Hmm....,' I thought to myself as I walked out, trying to figure out where to go. I walked down the hall towards the lake. When I got closer to the lake, all I heard was yelling and shouting. Being curious, I decided to go check out what was happening. A large group of kids stood around, clapping, cheering, yelling, etc. Someone was shouting very loudly, looking up (literally) I see a boy with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and freshly dirty robes. Snape? I stare at him as someone with a wand flips him upside down making the poor boy shout even more.

Rushing through the crowd, I push my way through to the very front finding a boy with messy black hair pointing the wand directly at Snape, laughing as the boy thrashed around trying to find away out of the his position.

"What the hell," I whisper as I watch the scene unfold.

"Scars!" I hear someone shout, looking behind me, Sirius jogs over to me from behind a tree as Remus and Peter appear also.

"Sirius? What's going on?" I ask, finally realizing that the boy in the untidy hair is actually James.

"That little snake," he growled in Snape's direction," somehow found out about the prank, and told the teacher! So, now we have a weeks worth of dentition and the staff is on high alert about it."

That's weird. How did Snape find out? Little grease monkey. But I felt bad for him though, he didn't deserve this! Even if he ruined the prank, he didn't deserve this humiliation.

"Sirius," I whispered as I leaned my head against his chest," Please put him down, please? He doesn't deserve this! You did enough to him! Don't fall to his level, Padfoot," I begged. Padfoot stared down at me with an expression full of mixed emotions. We stood there for what seemed like a long time, before he finally sighed.

"Alright," he whispered, kissing my forehead softly before turning in James's direction but before he could even speak, a flame of red hair broke through the little crowd. Lily stood there staring at the scene before walking straight up to James.

"Put him down Potter!" She shouted making him do 360 degree spin. James first looked shocked and the happy to see her.

"Evans! What are you doing on this lovely day?" He asked like nothing was wrong with this situation. She gave the,'Don't mess with me,' look before pointing at Snape.

"Put him down Potter," she hissed.

"But we're just having a little fun," he chuckled. Remus groaned from behind me while Sirius just rested his head on my shoulder with a sigh.

"Potter, I swear to good you better put him down!" She screamed, scaring the hell out me. James sighed, and flicked Snape onto solid ground. Lily rushed to Snape's side, placing her hand on his shoulder. Snape angrily slapped her hand away, James stepped forward at the gesture but stopped when Sirius placed his hand on his bestfriend's shoulder.

"Severus?" She whispered trying to get him to look at her but he stared at his feet. She tried to touch him again but he pushed her away more forced than the last.

"Get away from me! You filthy mudblood!" He snarled looking at her dead in the face. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. Sirius grabbed my waist, shocked at the scene in front of us. James, Remus, and Peter equally shocked stood very still as the scene played out before us. Lily took a few steps back, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, Severus," she breathed, not meeting his gaze," Clean your robes." And she left not even looking at him. She walked away in a fast pace not speaking to anyone who tried to talk to her. James gave Snape a look before running after her with Peter at his heels. Remus, Sirius, and I stared at Snape before the boys began to walk away, Sirius tugging at my hand when I didn't move.

I walked over to where Snape's wand laid, holding the black, beautifully engraved wand in my hands. Sighing, I walked over to where he sat and took his hand a placed it in his palm. He looked up at me, his black eyes rimmed with red, tears ready to burst.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I stood up, giving him one last look before turning to Sirius whose hand was still out waiting for mine and Remus stood next to him with symphony on his face. I took Sirius's hand and the three of us headed towards the castle.

I didn't eat much at dinner only really staying for the comfort of Sirius. James was still very angry from the event, Lily didn't show up for dinner. When the boys finally finished, we headed to tower not really speaking. After telling the fat lady the password, the others went upstairs leaving just me and Sirius alone in the common room. He sighed and laid on the couch while I sat in front of the couch and leaned against it. I laid my head on my knees, staring into the fire place.

"Are you okay?" He asked breaking the silence.

"I guess," I sighed. Sirius caressed my cheek making it tingle at his touch, his hand went lower from my face to my neck and stopped at the very beginning of my chest. His finger looped around the silver chain and gently tugged it up revealing the wolf pendent he had gotten me for Christmas and the Black family ring. I looked up to see him slightly smiling at my necklace before gently putting it down.

"Get up here," he whispered. I slowly got to my feet, watching as he sat up and placed his hands on my waist and guided me to lay on top of him, making me blush like a tomato. His grin grew wide, brushing his hand down my red cheeks, making me even redder.

"Stop it," I pouted as I hid my face in his chest.

"You are so cute when you blush like that," he laughed. I lightly slapped him on the shoulder, making him laugh even louder.

"How do you think Lily's doing," I asked randomly. Sirius thought about my question not paying attention to me twirling his long hair.

"She's probably really upset, but I think she'll be fine at least a week," he whispered, rubbing his thumb over my lips.

"What do you mean a week?" I questioned him thorougher when he traced my jawline.

"Scars, Lily and Severus have been friends before we even came to Hogwarts. They were very close, closer than a Gryffindor and Slytherin should be," he finished, still tracing my face with his long fingers.

"Why do you think he did it?"

"I don't the actual answer to that one," he admitted," But I think it was the fact that James embarrassed him in front of the one girl that cared for him."

I crashed my lips against his, taking him by surprise but he kissed back right away. He gripped my back not letting my move away, I tugged on a lock of hair making him moan. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, asking for entrance which I gladly granted. His tongue explored my mouth, fighting for dominance that he won with not much effort. We broke apart when our breathing became ragged.

"I love you, Scars."

"I love you, Padfoot."

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