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A month of school has already passed and now its my favorite time of the year, October which means Halloween. I sigh before grabbing my books off the desk once the last class of the day ended, outside the classroom stood Sirius who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What?" I smile at him as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing," he smirked as we walked down the hallway to the Hall. Like every Halloween the ceiling is decorated with floating pumpkins and flying bats, we went to the regular seats at the table finding only Remus and Noelle.

"Haven't seen you in awhile," Noelle laughed, springing from her spot next to Remus and came to hug me.

"I haven't seen you either," I laugh back, hugging her. "How have you been?"

"Great," she said shrugging as we took our seats. "Same old, same old."

"I know the feeling," I sigh at the thought. "I'm thinking about a shopping trip to Hogsmead with just us girls, and Lily when she gets here."

"I love the idea," she said after taking a sip of her juice. "I need to get my Christmas shopping done and I know its early but I usually forget. Then I have make last minute trips."

"What are we talking about?" Lily said when her and James walked up to the table.

"Us, girls are going on a shopping trip this weekend," Noelle said with a bright smile. "Do you want to come?"

"Definitely," Lily nodded. We talked about the upcoming trip while the guys talked about something, when the dinner ended we all headed to the common room. I said my goodnights to Sirius before heading to the dorm room with Lily.

~Halloween Night, Full Moon~

Halloween ended up being on the same night as the full moon, and I also had the shopping trip with Lily and Noelle today making my agenda full.

"Where do we want to go first?" Lily asked as she placed her long red hair into a simple ponytail.

"I don't know exactly," I sigh, brushing away the knots in my hair. "But I would like to stop by the book shop to grab something for Remus." Lily simple nodded before continuing to do her make-up. We were done with everything soon after the conversation and started to head down to the common room where we found the guys. Remus sat in one of the chairs, his nose stuck in one of the many books his owns while the other three sat on the couch in front of the fire.

"Where are you ladies going?" James asked with a raised brow.

"Out," I answered simply. Sirius smirked at me before getting up and walking over to me.

"Remus what's the name of the book, you want?" I asked my brother who looked up from his book. He gave me the name of the book and then Lily and I started to head out along with Sirius who was just walking us to the entrance of the school. We met Noelle at the entrance, Lily and Noelle exited the school while I stayed behind with Sirius for a moment.

"Have fun, okay?" Sirius smiled down at me before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Okay," I smiled up at him, resting my chin on his chest. He kissed my lips briefly and I broke away from him, and started jogging over to Lily and Noelle.

"So, where do we go first?" Lily asked once we arrived at Hogsmead.

"Let's go to the book store first," I suggested wanting to get Remus's shopping done first. We walked into the book shop and began searching the shelves for the novel which we quickly found, then we paid and left.

"Okay," Lily said once we were all walking around again. "What now?"

"Coffee?" Noelle suggested and Lily and I quickly agreed for some drinks. We decided to go to the Three Broomsticks for the drinks, the pub was filled with witches and wizards that sat at the tables or bar and drank their drinks.

"There's an open one over there," Noelle said pointing to the empty table in the very back of the place.

"What can I get, girls?" the waitress asked once we settled into the seats.

"Three butterbeers," Lily said for all of us. The waitress nodded and left the table after writing down the order.

"So, how's everything been going?" Lily asked no one in particular just as the waitress came back with the drinks.

"Fine, I guess," I shrug, taking a sip of the beer. "Noelle?"


"Sarah? How is Sirius?" Lily asked with Noelle nodding.

"He's been good," I sigh trying to think of something to say. "Hasn't done anything stupid lately."

"That's good," Noelle laughed almost spilling her drink.

"Definitely," Lily laughs along with Noelle while I rolled my eyes at their silliness. After walking and shopping around Hogsmead we headed back to the school with bags handing from our arms.

"Look who's back," James laughed from his spot at the desk in the Common Room where papers surrounded him and Sirius sat across the table from him, writing away on his homework. Noelle had gone to the Ravenclaw tower leaving Lily and I to head over to Gryffindor tower.

"Yep," Lily sighs. Sirius raised a brow when I took a seat next to him but didn't say anything as he continued to scribble on the parchment. Lily heads to the room leaving the rest of us alone.

"Is Remus already gone?" I ask no in particular.

"Yes," Sirius answered not looking up.

"Okay," I nod.

At eleven o'clock, I meet the boys in the Common Room. Peter stood at James right side and Sirius at his left.

"Ready?" James asked me when I joined them. Nodding, we begin to make our way to the Whooping Willow. The night air was cool sending chills through me, flying black specks fly through the air making me think that they were bats but I'm not sure. Peter was the first to shift, he took the lead in his little rat form heading for the giant tree to hit the knot that stuns the huge thing, we had found the knot the last full moon. James and Sirius shifted at the same time following Peter into the hole. Sighing, I think about myself in my wolf form and then when I reopen my eyes all I see as feet are white paws. I take off after the boys, when I got to the shack I see a giant black dog laying on the bed with a rat squeaking next to him. The stag stood in the middle of the room, he looked towards me before looking back towards the trembling werewolf in the corner. I trot over to Remus and lay against his trembling body.

Footsteps. That's what woke me up. Footsteps. Human. I watch James glance in the direction of the entrance and began to walk through the entrance. At first there was silence and then footsteps began again but this time it is closer. A figure came out of the entrance making my heart slam against my chest, Snape. Remus awoke sending fear through me, he growls at Snape and begins to stand. I slam my full weight into him watching as James grabbed Snape by the collar and began dragging Snape back through the entrance. Sirius was at my side helping me restrain Remus.

What the Hell?

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