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The Thanksgiving holidays rolled by still taking me by surprise. The party, well I can't even remember. All I can say is waking up with Sirius snoring in your bed, wasn't exactly the best moment.


Groaning, I turn over trying to block out the light peaking through the window.

I felt myself being pulled toward a hard chest. Eyes snapping open, I look up to see a sleeping Sirius. He looked so innocent when he's sleeping. But then the shock kicked in," What the bloody hell!"

He screamed, falling out the bed landing on his butt.

"What! What's wrong!?" he yelled, his eyes zipping around the room.

"What's wrong? Hmm, let me think. Your my brother's friend! You can't be here!" I yelled.

"Okay! Okay! What happened last night anyway?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"So, want to get some breakfast? "

"Yeah, sure."

~End of Flashback~

Sighing as I packed the last of the clothes that I was taking home. Remus and I were going home for the holiday, and so are our friends. I walked down the girl's stairs, heading toward the common room door.

"Hey, Scars, ready to go," Sirius whispered, looking at my bag.

"Yep, and I'm guessing you're going to?" I smiled. He smiled back, nodding. We walked down the hallway heading toward the train station.

Finally, getting to the train, the two of us found an empty compartment.

"So, what do you do for the holidays?" Sirius asked.

"Just sitting around the house, and then we eat on Thanksgiving. Nothing really special. What about you?"

"Nothing. Just sitting in my room, and sometimes going to James's house." I felt pity for him with all my heart.

"Sarah? Will you like to-"

"Hey! There you guys are!" James yelled walking into the room with Peter hot on his trail. Remus walked in last taking the seat next to me.

He smiled gently, leaning back against the seat.

"So, do you guys planning on practicing your animagi?" Peter asked, looking smug? Peter the same Peter who can't do anything right somehow beats James and Sirius at animagi.

But, then again James and Sirius have been getting better at it.

"Yeah, yeah. We're going to practice, Peter," James mumbled with food in his mouth.

I smiled, shaking my head trying not to laugh. As I looked to the pastures watching the trees pass by. Then, my thoughts got away from me, wondering what Sirius tried to ask me. When I glanced at him, he seemed at ease but yet tense.

When the train finally arrived at the King's Cross Station, it felt like year's sense I have been here. When really I was here just here three months ago. Students jumped off the train, mothers crying over their children.

Smiling as I look around, watching trying to find my parents.

"See ya guys," James said, giving the guys slaps on the back, and giving me a surprising hug. He left, taking his bags and owl with him, walking over to a couple, who I'm guessing is his parents. James has his mother's eyes but he looks just like his dad, even the glasses.

Peter went to a short couple, both were round and short. He had is father's beady little eyes, and his mother's face.

Then is just the three of us, Remus, Sirius, and me. After a few minutes, a boy who had a striking resemblance to Sirius walked, and with the look on his face he didn't even want to be there.

"Sirius, mum and dad are waiting for you," the boy said with no emotion, like a robot, no feelings.

"Alright Regulus, I'll be there in a minute," Sirius said looking coolly at the boy. The boy walked away and didn't look back, He walked across the platform to a couple, who would give you the creeps.

The man and woman were both wearing black and had cold expression on their face as they stared at our little group.

"Well, if you hadn't noticed, that was my brother Regulus. And the charming family over there," pointing to the couple," is my lovely family."

"See ya man," Remus said as they gave each other a bro hug. Remus walked away over to our parents, who were probably apologizing for being late.

"What's wrong darling?" Sirius whispered, squeezing my hand.

"They don't remind me of you. They are so cold looking, they don't even come get you themselves.... Sirius, what do you really do for holidays?"

"I just run over to James's, when things get heated that's all."

"Good," I smiled, feeling the tears stinging slightly. Sirius smiled down at me and took me into a bear hug and I hugged right back.

"Bye, Scars," he whispered into my hair," I'll send an owl, when I get the time, okay?" He pulled back to watch me give him a sad little smile and nod.

He took his bags and walked over to his 'family.'

I watched them leave, Sirius turning me way and winking at me. I laughed, walking to my parents who looked more confused than happy to see me.

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