The Visit

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~Prisoner of Azkaban~

Steam rose from the mug in my hands as I stood in the small kitchen of the house, looking out the window to see the view. The meadow was bright with many different colored flowers but the sun was no where to be seen with the cloud filled sky. Sighing, I glance at the Daily Prophet that was delivered this morning. The man in the picture blinked slowly with his long, matted black hair, his sunken eyes that made him look like a totally different person from the man that I loved, still love. A knock came at the door breaking me from my thoughts of him. Opening the door, I find someone that I wasn't expecting, Albus Dumbledore. He smiled at me with his kind face, twinkling eyes behind his half mooned shaped glasses, and his silvery beard and long hair.

"Professor?" I question with a raised brow.

"Sarah," he smiled.

"Please come in," I gesture to him. He walked in and took a seat at the table and looked at the Prophet on the table.

"I have a proposition for you and Remus," Dumbledore told me.

"Remus," I called out after taking a seat. After a moment, Remus slowly walked in and raised a brow at the sight of the two of us.

"Remus," Dumbledore smiled at my twin. "Please sit," Remus took a seat.

"I've come to offer you two," Dumbledore smiled, "Positions at Hogwarts."

"Positions?" I question taking side glances at Remus who shrugged.

"Yes, positions. I'm offering your brother the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts and you, Sarah, the position of Potion Master."

"I thought that Snape was Potions Master?" Remus spoke.

"Snape still is the Potions Master at Hogwarts but Sarah will be teaching First and Second years," Dumbledore explained. "So? What do you say?"

"What is it in for us?" Remus questioned him.

"Unlimited supply of Wolfsbane Potion," Dumbledore told Remus.

"Sarah," Dumbledore sighed looking at me. "I'm offering you a safe place from the Ministry."

"Ministry? Why would I need protecting from them?"

"They believe that you are connected to Sirius's escape from Azkaban," Dumbledore sighed.

"I'll take the job," I whisper taking a glance at Sirius's picture.

~King's Cross~

"I feel like I'm forgetting something," I sigh as the platform worker takes our trunks and begins to place them on the Hogwarts Express.

"You are always forgetting something," Remus commented with a smirk. We boarded the train and began the task of finding an empty compartment.

"Remember the old days?" Remus joked lightly but I bit my lip. "What?"

"The old days were when our friends were alive," I sigh when we found an empty compartment.

"You can't still be blaming yourself about what happened?"

"If I would have stopped Sirius from leaving that night then Peter would still be alive and he wouldn't have been arrested."

"Its not your fault," Remus whispered from his seat across from me. Remus soon fell asleep in the compartment. After awhile I had to stretch my cramping legs, I walked around the train unable to return to the compartment as the memories of my years at Hogwarts seems to pop out of no where. The train came to sudden stop that nearly knocked me over at the force of the break. The lamps in the hallway flickered off sending an eerie feeling through me making me decide quickly to return to the compartment. But when I finally found the compartment in the darkness there were many voices coming from the compartment.

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