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"Where are we suppose to meet them?" My mother asks us for the thousandth time in only ten short minutes of being in the car with her.

"We're going to meet them by Gringotts and then we will start shopping," Remus explained to her from the front seat of the car while I had to sit in the back by myself. We're currently driving to Diagon Alley where we were going to meet up with everyone else and their parents to shop for school supplies.

"Who are we meeting up with?" My mother asked Remus since he was in the front seat.

"James, Sirius, Noelle, and maybe Lily and Peter." I smile at the sound of Sirius's name really happy to see him for the first time since we all meet up at James's house that one time during the summer. Parking the car, we walked the rest of the way to the Alley with Mother bickering about something once again. Mum did the weird wall tap thing and wall opens revealing Diagon Alley with the large school supplies crowd.

"This way." Mum said leading the way to the bank where going to meet everyone at while the parents went and got some money out of their vault. The bank was marble snow-white building, towering over all the other shops in Diagon.

"Do you see them?" I ask Remus as we neared the bank.

"No. Not yet." He mumbled while standing on his toes trying to look over the crowd to find any sign of our friends. We finally made it to the front of the bank finding no sign of any of them which was weird because the Potter's are very good at keeping time for things.

"Are you two going to stay out here and wait for them? Or are you guys going to look around?" Mum asked when we stopped in front of the bank.

"We'll look around for a bit." I answered her getting a nod from Mum that we were allowed to look around in the shops.

"Where do you want to go first?" Remus asked when we started looking around for anything interesting. We went to Flourish and Blotts which was fun finding the popular witch books that I have been dying to read. After a while we started heading back over to the bank to meet up with Mum.

"There you two are!" Our mother says when we neared her only to fnd her standing with Mrs. Potter. Remus and I both greeted Mrs. Potter before looking around for James and Sirius without saying anything just our eyes sweeping everywhere. But soon we spotted them coming around the corner of the bank, smiling and punching each other on the shoulders, my heart leapt at the sight of Sirius but I quickly hid it when Mum and Mrs. Potter started talking to me about something.

"Sarah, how do you feel about finishing school?" Mrs. Potter asks me with a curious look.

"Good, I guess. It doesn't really feel like anything special it just feels like a regular school year." I say simply not really feeling the 'Oh My God' moment of my final year of school about to start.

"I know what you mean. I felt the same way when it was my seventh year until after the tests and then the feeling started hitting me," Mrs. Potter started to explain.

"Sirius! James! Knock it off!" Mrs. Potter yelled but she couldn't stop the amusement from showing on her face.

"Yes Mum," they both said and the shoving stopped immediately.

"Ready?" Mrs. Potter asked my mum.

"I guess, we'll catch up with Noelle and the others later?" Mum asked looking to Remus more than me. Remus nodded and then the shopping began. We started walking with the mums in the front, the boys behind them, and then me in the back. I watched Sirius throw a glance over his shoulder, and his speed slowed to match mine.

"And who is this beautiful girl right here?" He playfully growled, wrapping his muscled arm around me, and pulling me into his side.

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm already taken."

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