King's Cross

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"Can you just imagine? Today is the last, first day of our children's years at Hogwarts!" Mum gushed as we pushed our trolls down the station platform, heading for 9 3/4. "What do you think Lyall?" Dad just grunted with his hands in his pockets, his eyes wondering around the station. We finally made it to the platform 9 3/4, Remus ran through the wall first with Mum by his side, and that left Dad and I.

"Ready Kiddo?" he smiled down at me. These overly tall people. I smiled at my dad of whom wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we took off into the wall. The horn of the train made goose bumps appear on my skin as Dad and I walked over to where Remus and Mum stood with the train workers taking our luggage and owls.

"Your last years!" Mum gushed again. "You grow up so fast." I looked around the area trying to find similar face while Mum cried again. The Potters and Sirius walked through the crowd with the same wondering eyes from Sirius and James, they spotted us and started towards us.

"Oh gush! My makeup!" Mum cried trying to wipe away her running mascara. All three of us stared at her like she was crazy as she wiped away the now ruined makeup, Sirius and James were now near us when Mum got finished with the crying and wiping away of the makeup.

"Sir," Sirius said to Dad with his hand sticking out towards my dad.

"Sirius," Dad said and then shook hands with Sirius. James began to introduce himself to my dad, now they are best friends and are soon talking about quidditch.

"He is making me look bad," Sirius said to me when he was done being hugged to death by Mum.

"How?" I laugh at him but got a playful glare back.

"He can talk to your dad like he's his son while I'm that weird guy from at the end of the block," Sirius commented with me just looking at him like he is crazy.

"My dad likes you," I reassure him. Remus went off somewhere leaving Sirius and I alone with James, Mum, and Dad.

"I don't know," Sirius said shrugging off the conversation when Remus came back with Lily and Noelle.

"Sarah!" Lily called out and then I was grabbed, and now being hugged by multiple arms. Lily and Noelle squealed and continued to choke the life out of me with Sirius laughing in the back ground.

"Can't breathe," I groan and soon the air was let into my lungs, thank God.

"Sorry," Noelle laughed before leaving Lily and I, walking over to my parents and began talking to them.

"Ready for school?" Lily laughed at my cringing face which made Sirius chuckle lowly.

"No. I think that we should get at least, hmm." I thought," A year off." Lily rolled her eyes at me but Sirius and Noelle thought I was funny at least. Soon the train horn finally went off giving off another around of crying and hugging from Mum while Dad just watched us with an amused look on his face, Meanie. We climbed onto the train and began trying to find an compartment to fit everyone in, and we finally found one. I sat by the window with Sirius in the middle with James sitting on his other side, across the compartment in the order from the door was Remus, Noelle, and Lily.

"I wonder where Peter is," James trailed off into his thoughts making everyone start to wonder where Peter was at. The train gave off the last whistle and began to move out of the station and soon we were on the way to school, the compartment door opened and Peter walked into the room.

"Where have you been?" James laughed lightly and Sirius, James, and I pushed together so that Peter had somewhere to sit.

"Overslept," Peter said with a sheepish grin. The guys just laughed at him while us girls just rolled our eyes at the boys, I watched the trees go by the buildings of home turning into pastures. After a while of the train ride everyone in the small room was out like a light and the only people that was up is Sirius and I, Sirius wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him if that was even possible.

"God I missed you," he whispered in my ear giving me the chills. I looked up at him looking into those grey eyes that I love more than anything. I lightly kissed him sending sparks through me, his hold tightened around me as he deepened the kiss. A knock on the compartment door broke the kiss and woke everyone up from their little naps.

"Anything off the trolley?" a elderly woman asked as she gestured to the many types of candies on the cart. Everyone stared to buy things off the trolley. Once they were done with buying the candy, they went back to their original seats and began to eat the candy.
"Are we there yet?" Noelle yawned while holding a red stick of candy.
"Probably close now," Remus said taking a bite out of Noelle's candy stick.
"Don't eat my candy!" She giggled uncontrollably at Remus who just gave her a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes at their cuteness before turning to the carry on bag that I brought with me which held my robes and such.
"Y'all can have the compartment," Lily told the boys when the three of us girls had gathered all of our things. The boys nodded as we went through the door and headed straight for the bathroom to get dressed in.
"Can you believe it? We're going to graduate this year!" Lily gasped in the bathroom.
"I'm going to miss Hogwarts," Noelle mumbled to herself.
"Me too," I sighed to myself once we were done getting dressed in the robes. We walk back to the compartment where the boys were fully dressed and talking amongst each other.

"Why do girls take so long to get dressed?" James laughed when we retook our seats.

"At least we brush our hair," Lily commented on his untidy black hair that James is so proud of like it was the quidditch cup or something.

"Jealous that I'm prettier than you?" James grinned at Lily. Lily rolled her eyes at James before looking out the window. After a short few minutes the train came to a stop at the train stop making my heart skip a beat at the thought of being back to the school that I love dearly.

"First years with me!" A loud booming voice called out when we stepped off the train

"Who's that?" I ask Sirius when I found the source of the voice. The voice belonged to giant man who towered over everyone at the station, the man was three times the as wide as the normal person, long black hair and beard that covered his face, and darks eyes that glinted in the light.

"That's Hagrid the ground's keeper," Sirius told me with his arm around my waist as we followed the others to the carriages.

"Its weird that I never saw him before," I sighed when we made it to the carriages. Sirius just shook his head at me before helping me into the carriage. My gentlemen.

"I'm starving!" James groaned with the guys nodding in agreement.

"Do ya'll think of anything else except food?" I laughed at their drooling faces.

"Girls," James said with a cheeky grin.

"Do you?" I said. Noelle and I automatically looked to our boyfriends of whom gave James death glares at his stupid comment.

"I only think about you," Sirius whispered in my ear giving me the chills. Carriages finally arrived at the school gates, we walked up the path to Hogwarts. Once in the school we were told to go to the great hall for dinner.

"I'm so hungry!" James groaned loudly when we found seats in the Great Hall, Noelle had to go sit with the Ravenclaw house. After a while of waiting the first years finally arrived, the whole group of twelve year olds were escorted to the front of the teachers table. Each of the kids took their turn of putting on the Sorting Hat before being told which house they belonged in for their Hogwarts year, we clapped every time someone joined Gryffindor. Once the last first year was sorted the food appeared on the table with James leaping for joy and filling his pie hole with the mounds of food. I eat silently while listening to the conversation that the boys were having with each other.

"We have to go James," Lily commented when the dinner was coming to an end.

"Why?" he asked with pie in his mouth.

"To tell the Perfects what to do," she said like it was obvious thing. James mumbled something before following out the Hall and the Perfects running after them like little ducks. Soon dinner was over and we followed the Perfects and the Heads to the common roll where I went straight to the dorm and collapsed on the bed in exhausted.

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