Double Date

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This week has been the most exhausting week of the whole school year in my opinion. N.E.W.T.S had mentally drained me so bad that each day when we got back from the tests, I would go to bed immediately and not go anywhere with anyone even Sirius. But now it's all over, and then the weekend came along reminding me of the double date that me and Sirius are suppose to go with Remus and Noelle. Great....

"Sirius wants to know if your ready yet," Lily said as she poked her head in the door. Looking down at the outfit of black jeans, leather jacket, and a plain white tank top, I guess I'm ready. I nod and follow Lily out the room, and down the stairs meeting with Remus and Sirius.

"There you are!" Remus said when I hopped down the last step of the staircase. Sirius just smiled as he took my hand in his before following Remus to the Ravenclaw tower which isn't as easy to get to as you would have thought. To get to the Ravenclaw Tower, you must climb this long spiral staircase to the fifth floor, and then at the entrance to the Ravenclaw Common Room is a door without the doorknob or keyhole. Weirdoes.

"No doorknob? How are you suppose to get in?" Sirius asked with the most confused look on his face.

"They do something different from the other houses," Remus began to explain," instead of a password, they are asked to answer a riddle and must answer that riddle or have to wait for someone to answer the question correctly." Again, Ravenclaws are weird. After five minutes Noelle finally showed up from out the Ravenclaw door wearing a light blue dress, white sandals, and a blue key necklace.

"I'm sorry, I took so long," she chuckled nervously.

"It's okay. Let's go," I smiled as I lead the three down the stairs with Sirius clutching my hand with his. Today was actually a perfect type of day, the sun was shining but not to hot, a cool breeze blowing, the birds chirping, etc.

"Where shall we go?" Sirius asked Remus and Noelle with a polite smile on his face. Faker.

"Well there is this lovely coffee shop around High Street," Noelle suggested. We glanced amongst each other but in the end agreed to the idea. Noelle lead us to the tea shop which was only a short walk from where we were, we came upon the Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop a bright pink building with a green sign and the letters the same color as the shop.

"Hello Noelle," a short woman with a shiny black bun greeted," Is Xenophilius with you today?"

"No ma'am, I'm here with my friends today," she explained to the woman of whom I'm guessing is the Madam Puddifoot. She smiled kindly at us and escorted us to one of the tables in the cramped shop filled with kissing couples. Yuck. She sat us down at a round table that was cramped in the back of the shop along with the other tables, lace napkins, sugar bowls, and kissy faces.

"This is lovely," Remus said to us with a small smile.

"Yeah," I said back while Sirius just nodded his head with his arm warped around my shoulder. Madam Puddifoot showed up with our four coffees before climbing back into the sea of tables and kissy faced couples. The poor woman...

"So, how have you guys been?" Sirius asks them after taking a sip of the coffee.

"Good. I suppose," Remus shrugged," It hasn't been that long." Sirius nods before turning back to the coffee.

"So, what kind of things are you into Noelle?" I ask trying to make conversation to get away from the awkward silence.

"I'm really into reading and music," she replies with a bright smile.

"What kind of books do you read?"

"Mostly fiction but I have been reading some romance novels," she explained.

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