Diagon Alley

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"Sarah!," my mother's voice rang through my bedroom door,"Sarah Annabel Lupin! Get up this instant!" I let out a groan as I got up. If you don't know my name is Sarah Lupin. Yes, if you are going to ask I am the sister of the nerd Remus. Remus is also my twin brother. I walked through my band poster-ed room into the bathroom. I look in the mirror, a girl with long black hair,and light blue eyes stares right back.

My door squeaks open, revealing my brother Remus. Remus is tall with light brown hair, green eyes, with a faint scar on his cheek.

"Scars, you do realize that our mum is probably having a cow down there?," he laughed. Scars is my nickname because my animagi is a wolf that has scar looking fur over one eye. Nobody knows about it but my brother.

"Come on, lets go eat baby brother."

"You are only older than me by 5 minutes! Are you going to keep bringing that up?" he groaned.

"Yes. Yes, I am," I laughed. When we made it to the kitchen my mum was placing two plates full of bacon, eggs, and potatoes down onto the table.

"And where have you been young lady? Don't you know that today we have to go to Gringotts, then to Diagon Alley to get you Hogwarts robes, and supplies?" Dang the woman can talk fast. Remus practically gaged on his breakfast.

"Wait. Wait, you and Dad weren't joking about that? About her going to Hogwarts?" he gasped. For 5 years I have been going to Branksome Chatham Hall. An all witch school around Bankside. The reason that I had to change schools is because Remus's condition has been getting worse and my parents want me to go with him to Hogwarts. But the only person who wasn't cool with the idea was the one and only Remus John Lupin. Ironic huh?

"Remus, you know that you need help. Plus you probably will never see your sister." My mother said with scolding look. He mumbled a 'Fine' and we ate the rest of our food in complete and outer silence.

Once were done, mum put the plates in the sink with a flick of her wand. I ran to my room and quickly dressed then we're off to Diagon Alley.

As we walked through the packed area. Mum lead us to the robe shop. The elderly woman starts to fit me into Hogwarts robes which much to my liking is black, at Banksome the robes were these hideous bright yellow robes that would have anyone blind. Then we went to the pet shop to get me a pet for school (we didn't need pets at Banksome). And in the end I bought myself a Great Horned Owl named Tiger because of his feathers. After a long day we finally went home.

"So, how was the shopping today?" Dad asked us, at dinner.

"Good. Sarah has all the supplies and Remus has all the books for this year's classes." Mum stated to him. My father glanced at my brother with a hint of guilt on his old face. My father has always looked at Remus that way ever since Greyback bit him. The reason that he was bit, was that fact that Dad insulted the werewolf and the creature got revenge by attacking my brother.

"So, how are you feeling about going to Hogwarts tomorrow Sarah?" my dad asked.

"Fine I guess, I not really worried about that," I whispered. Remus gave me a silent look trying to figure me out. Then after all the packing, etc. we went straight to bed.

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