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I watched them walk out of the kitchen and soon the sound of footsteps echoed on the stairs with some random creaks from the old floorboards. Isgur and Tonks excused themselves from the kitchen once everyone else started to leave after the whole argument blew up. Sirius stared down at the table while Remus just pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Someone needs to say something," I whisper as I continue to stare at the door of the kitchen.

"What is there to say?" Remus questions as he turns to look at me.

"I don't know," I groan as I lay my head on the table. Silence filled the room was again until suddenly Sirius started chuckling beside me. Remus and I both look at Sirius who was still looking down at the table but a smirk was screwed onto his face as he chuckled deep chuckles.

"What are you laughing about?" Remus questions with a raised brow. Sirius looks up and glances between the two of us before busting into a fit of laughter.

"What are you laughing about?" I flick his shoulder with my eyes narrowed.

"What were you going to do with your wand back there?" Sirius laughs.

"Wait, what?" I raise a brow.

"Don't think I didn't see you reach for your wand! What were you going to do? Turn Molly into a teacup?" He breathes as he clutches his stomach. After a moment of me staring at Sirius then Remus starts laughing.

"Oh come on!" I snap as I hide my head in my hands. Remus and Sirius were laughing so hard that the two were a crying mess.

"So? I could have turned her into a teacup very easily! Do you remember who was the best at Transfiguration?" I glare at the two.

"If you say so, Sarah," Remus rolls in his eyes at me.

"Are you doubting me? Oh! I'm Remus Lupin the number one nerd!" I mock as I glare at my brother.

"You are just mad because I'm the smart twin."

"But she's the hot twin," Sirius shrugs making me burst into laughter.

"Okay, I'm going to bed," Remus coughs as he walks out of the room. "When are you going to learn that I don't want to hear you talk about my sister, Sirius?"

"Never," Sirius flashes a bright white smile at my brother's retreating figure. I playfully push Sirius's arm as I lift myself from my seat.

"Wait! Where are you going now?" Sirius questions and after I heard him stand and the bench scraped against the floor.

"To bed." I smile when I felt his hand capture mine. We walked up the stairs in silence but a comforting silence, I suppose. We stopped at the door in the hallway that had a nameplate with his name on it. Sirius's room was large with a rather large bed with a fancy looking carved headboard, a tall window with long dark velvet curtains, and a candle chandelier. When we first came here after Sirius's great escape and me resigning from Hogwarts, I couldn't stand to be in this room with the bikini-wearing muggles posted on his walls. And I still don't. I sigh as I let go of Sirius's hand to go through my dresser to find a shirt and some sweats to sleep in. Taking off the shirt that I currently wore and left myself in a lacy black bra as I shook out the shirt.

"You're a vixen," Sirius growls as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my bare waist. He kissed my shoulder and up to my neck before nibbling at my ear. I giggle as I drop the shirt to the floor and turned around to face him, I wrap my arms around his neck and pulled his lips to mine. Since he escaped, Sirius gained back all the weight that he lost allowing him to return to his old self. His lips were full and warm again, his face was soft, and the muscles that I love to trail my fingers over were back.

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