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"Kill me now," I groan with my head laying on the table in the library. Sirius and I are in the library for the seventh day in a row trying to prepare for the upcoming and last set of N.E.W.T.S, we are going to take.

"Poor baby," Sirius sighed not taking his eyes off the book in front of him.

"When did you become the little responsible type?" I ask, picking my head off the table. Sirius shrugged continuing to read the book in front of him.

"I don't know, really," he said simply. Sighing, I return to my studies trying not to let my head explode into a million pieces because of the information that I was sucking off the pages. After awhile, Sirius and I called it a day and put away the books, and then left the library.

"Where do we want to go?" Sirius asked with his arm around my waist.

"I don't know," I sigh, smiling at him. We ended up going to the Common Room for the rest of the day just laying on the couch. The thought of my years at Hogwarts were coming to an end in just a few short months, I sigh at the thought catching Sirius's attention.

"What are you thinking about?" he questioned with a thoughtful look on his face.

"The end of the year," I smile at him.

"Yes," he grins at the thought. "The ending of our school years, lovely thought."

"I'm going to miss these place," I whisper, looking up at the ceiling.

"Me too," he sighs," it's always been kind of a home for me." I smile at him, nudging closer to his body and his arm slide around my waist.

"You're so cute," he smirked down at me.

"I know," I chuckle making him roll his eyes at me.

~Time Skip~

"Its over!" I squeal as we leave the Great Hall after finishing the N.E.W.T.S.

"Ouch!" Remus groans at me, pretending to rub his hurt ears.

"Shut it," I laugh at him. My brother just smiles at me while our group heads over to the lake. Lily and James sit under the shade of the tree, Peter sat on the edge of the tree's shade, Noelle and Remus simply sit in the sand, and I sit on my usual rock with Sirius sitting at me feet, his back pressing against my legs.

"Can you believe it?" Lily smiled once we're settled. "School is almost over."

"I really can't," Noelle sighs, titling her head back to soak up the sun. We sit out there watching the sun slowly fall in the distance before heading back to the castle. Crossing the grounds for what felt like the last time that together we will ever walk through the grass towards the glowing castle.

~Last Day~

"I feel like I'm forgetting something," I whisper as I double check everything in the room.

"You have everything, Sarah," Lily sighs with her arms crossed over her chest with her trunk at her feet. I mumble under my breath as I shut my trunk for the last time that we were going to be in this room. The boys soon came up to get our trunks Lily and I started to walk out the room, I laid my hand on the door turning my head to give the room one last look. It was like all the memories of the room came back to me like the time I woke up to Sirius in my bed, the time Sirius comforted me after his fight with Chad, and when Lily and I got ready for the ball.

"See ya," I sigh at the sight before walking down to the Common Room. We left the tower heading for the spot where the staff told the seventh years to put their bags.

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