History of Magic Class

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"Wake up! Sarah wake up!"a voice yelled.


"Be quite Mum. I'm trying to sleep." I whispered, slowing falling back to asleep.

"You better be happy that I'm not your mother! Wake up or your not going to have time to eat breakfest." Instantly waking up, I crawled out of bed and quickly put on my robes. The two of us arrived at the Great Hall. Five minutes late of course.

"Hey, guys over here!" Remus yelled, waving his hands around like a crazed monkey. After pouring myself a cup of coffee. Everyone started putting food on their plates.

"You know, you can put this thing called food on your plate, and actually eat it," Sirius said looking at my empty plate.

"Well, Mr. Know it all, I don't eat breakfast. I just like to have my cup of coffee and that's it," I smiled, he smiled right back.

"Okay, Ms. Pain in the butt, I dare you to eat this," he said as he put a sausage on my plate," now eat this."

"Why? What's the point in eating a little old sausage? What will this prove Sirius?" I questioned.

"This will prove that either, I'm extremely handsome and that you adore me, or you are too chicken."

"Let's go with the second one," I laughed. He smiled down at me and pointed to the sausage on my plate. Rolling my eyes, I cut it and popped it into my mouth. Sirius watched me as I chewed, making sure that I swallowed.

"See? Was that so bad?" he chuckled.

"Come on, you bum. Let's go to class." I sighed.

"As you wish my lady," he said as he did a pretend bow. Giggling as he took my hand and took us down to History.

We took our sits in the back of the class room, Binns writing on the board.

"Today class, we will be learning about The Israelite-Philistine War. The Israelite and Philistine was a military conflict between the Israelites, under King Saul, and there enemies in the Valley of Elah." Binns drowned on, I mentally groaned about the fact that we have to sit here for an hour and a half.

"This so boring," I whispered, low enough for only Sirius to hear.

"Well, what do you want me to do my lovely companion?" he chuckled.

"I don't know, it's just so boring." I pouted. Binns kept up his death of boredom. The only people who were actaully still wake was the people in the front.

"Okay, I have an idea. Let's get to know each other."


"Alright whats your favorite color?" he smiled. Doesn't anyone else hate that question?

"Red. It would have to be red. What about your's?"


"Brown? Why brown?" I laughed.

"Why not? Brown is a manly color!" he whispered yelled. I quietly laughed at him.

"Okay next question. Do you have siblings?" I asked, focusing my gaze on the board, pretending I'm paying attention.

"Yes. I do have a younger brother," he simply said.

"Really? What's his name? Does he go here? Does-" I started saying before Sirius interrupted me.

"Hey! Hey, stop bundering me with the quesions Sarah," he laughed," His name is Regulus. Yes, he does go here, he belongs to Slytherin."

"Can maybe meet him? I mean you are one of my only friends here."

"No. I don't want you to meet him. Regulus and my family doesn't practically like any of my friends. Or me for that matter." This confused me very much. Why would his parents not like him? Their own son? Brother?

"Why would you say such a thing Sirius?" I questioned, both confused and slightly saddened.

"Because my family is a bunch of pure-blood freaks. They don't approve of muggle-borns or half-bloods. They think wizards and witches need to be pure. They probably approve of You-Know-Who. They hate the fact that I was put into Gryffindor, unlike Regulus, who is perfect because he honors his family."

"Oh Sirius, I'm so sorry," I whispered. He just nodded and stayed silent for the rest of the time.

"That's it for today's lesson. See you tomorrow," Professor Binns said. I started collecting my books and to my surprise, Sirius took my hand and smiled a big, wide smile and lead us to our next class.

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