Remus's Secret

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"How do you do it, Sarah? Balance all of those classes?" James asked me at breakfast with a mouthful of toast.

"Talent," I grin making him roll his eyes at me.

"Can you let me borrow some of that talent?" Sirius asked making me laugh.

"Nope." I said popping out the 'p.' Sirius just smirked before taking the last sip of his pumpkin juice, and then Remus came running into the Hall looking more tired than usual.

"Where have you been?" James asked him as he sat down.

"I have been working on something that I think you're going to like," he smiled.

"What is it?" Peter asked from beside James.

"I can't tell you yet but it will be ready soon," Remus smiled brightly.

"You and your surprises," I whisper making Remus smile at me.

"I know right? I'm just a surprising guy," Remus chuckled. Sirius snorted before taking the last sip of his juice.

"You sure are Wolfie," James said while shaking his untidy haired, head of his.

"Like I haven't heard that one before," Remus said rolling his brown eyes. "It's so original."

"Very," I snicker getting more eye rolling from Remus.

"Ready?" Sirius asked me once our chit chat was coming to an end. I nodded and quickly took the last sip of my juice before grabbing the messenger bag. He took my hand in his as we headed out the Hall and began to head for history.

"How are you?" he whispered cocking his head to the side to look down at me.

"Good," I say meeting his gaze. "What about you?"

"Great," he smiled, squeezing my hand a bit. We walked into the classroom and took the seats at the back of the class and listened to the professor drown on and on about something to deal with trolls. Sirius wrapped his arm around my waist while I leaned my head against his shoulder and tried to stay awake through the boring class. The next few classes were just as boring as the first, we headed to the Hall for lunch making me give a sigh of relief at the thought of food.

"What's up with you?" Sirius says when Remus sits across from us with a big, cheeky grin on his face.

"Nothing," he says with the smile still on his face.

"Your scaring me, Remus John Lupin," I whisper with the most shocked face I could muster at the moment.

"I'm just excited for the surprise," he said simply.

"Would you tell us what the damn surprise is," James groaned as he dropped his giant textbooks on the table while taking his seat next to Sirius.

"I'll tell you guys after dinner," Remus said looking at all of us. Sighing, I begin to gather my things to head for Potions class and when I go to grab my textbooks, Sirius takes them from me.

"What?" I ask confused. He just smiles before getting up from the table and walks out the Hall with my books. I look to the other three guys but they just shrug and continue to eat their food.

"Thanks guys," I mumble as I chase after Sirius.

"What are you doing?" I laugh when I see him sitting on the water fountain.

"Come here," he smirks at me. I slowly walk over to him making his smirk grow as I near him, he grabs me and pulls me into him which was his face in my stomach.

"What?" I smile at his goofy facial expression.

"I miss you," he sighs into my belly, I carefully play with his long, black hair. " I haven't seen you in so long."

"You literally saw me this morning of every week," I laugh, Sirius tightens his hold on my waist.

"Mhmm," he mumbles, tickling my belly with his mumbling.

"Stop it that," I giggle. "That tickles."

"Whatthis?" he mumbles more, bastard.

"Stop!" I giggle uncontrollably. "I'm going to be late for class."

"Who cares?" He smiles, looking up at me with those eyes and smile that took my breath away.

"Why do I love you?" I sigh before looking down at the guy that for some reason I love.

"Because I'm a hottie," he said like it was the most obvious thing.

"Yep. I love you," I laugh again before taking my textbooks back from him and walking to potions leaving him in the courtyard.

"There you are," Lily says walking up behind me with a frustrated face.

"Nice to see you too," I smile at her.

"Yea, yea," she sighs as we walk into the class room. Slughorn stands at the front of the classroom writing something down on the board while Lily and I take the middle seats of the classroom. He turns around and we immediately stated working on the assignment.

"Ah, Ms. Evans and Ms. Lupin," Slughorn said when he came to our table. "How are we doing today?"

"Good, Sir," Lily answered for us making the man smile.

"I would like you two to come to my little party tonight," he said while taking out two invitations from his robe pocket. "You may bring a guest with you."

"Thank you." I said taking the two invitations from him.

"Good," he smiled at us before walking somewhere else.

"What do you think?" I ask after reading the bold letter of the invitation, Slug Club.

"Are you going?"

"I guess."

"Then I'm going," she shrugged before adding the finishing touch on the potion.

"Who are you going with?" Lily asked once the potion was done.

"Sirius probably," I said without thinking. "We haven't spent time together so, this will make up for it, I guess. Who are you taking?"

"I don't know yet," she sighed lightly.

"Have any suitors?"

"Nope," she said popping the 'p.'

"Well you better start picking or your going to be the single lady."

"Yea, yea."

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