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Sirius lead me down the table, sitting us in the middle. After a few minutes, the students started, slowly trailing into the Hall. The guys came into Hall, sitting by us, Remus sitting on the side that Sirius wasn't parked. James on Sirius's side with Peter next to him.

"So, how did your day go Sis?" Remus asked, while pilling sausage onto his plate.

"Fine. It was interesting." I said, smiling when Lily and Molly walked into the Hall. The two took the seats across from us.

"So, Evans, how about you and me, go over to the Library for some studying?" James asked Lily. Lily rolled her eyes and began talking to Remus, like she never heard him at all.

"So, Sirius, Tina asked about you," James said, making Sirius turn towards him," She's quite a looker."

Tina? Why would James want Sirius to date Tina? Who in Merlion's beard is Tina?! No, I'm jealous. Nope. No sir. Maybe.....

"Who's Tina?" Lily asked. Thank God someone finally asked, who this slim ball is.

"She's in Slytherin. But, back to the point, so what do you think Sirius?" James asked.

"I don't know. I kinda got my eye on another girl already." Sirius shrugged. What! He already has a crush? Who?

"Sarah? Are you okay?" Remus asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Lily was cleaning up pumpkin juice that had spilled. Whoops...

"Scars? Are you okay?" Sirius asked me. I looked in his direction, and my shoes became very interesting.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just think I might, just go to bed. That's all." I said, starting rise from my seat.

"I'll come with you Sis," Remus whispered, following me out of the Hall. We silently, made our way to the tower.

"Passwod?" The Fat Lady asked when we made it to Gryffindor Tower.

"Olives," Remus told her, the door swung open and we stepped inside, the door closing behind us.

"What's wrong Sarah?" Remus asked as he sat down in one of the chairs.

"Nothing. I'm just tired, that's all."

Remus stared at me long, and hrad. I kept my gaze on the fire, that was burning in the fireplace. Sighing he finally gave up and went to his thoughts.

"You know, the full moon is coming up." Remus said after a few moments of silence. He was right. The full moon was coming up.

"What do you normally do Moony?" I said, making him smile at his nickname.

"Normally Madam Pomfrey, would escort me to the Whomping Willow and I would go through a tunnel leading to the Shrieking Shack. I would spend the night there."

"Well, I could always hid, and then when she leaves you, I could just sneak in," I trailed off, thinking up a plan.

"You don't know, how grateful I am, Sarah. That I have someone, there with me," Remus whispered. I smiled and said my good-night. Walking in my dorm room, Tiger sat on the windowsill, hooting. Taking my time in the bathroom and putting on my pj's. Sitting on the bed, Tiger, flying over and sitting on my leg.

"What do you think? Hmm? Of Sirius and that Tina?" I groaned, stroking his feathers," Why would he want to date her? Merlion's beard, I don't even know the girl. Did I really think he might like me?" I said sighing. Tiger looked at me with those big gold eyes. Hoot, hoot, was all he said, nipping at my fingers.

"I guess I'll go to bed, then. Good-night Tiger," I whispered as he flew back to his spot on the windowsill. Once my head hit the pillow, sleeping came very easily.

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