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"I don't wanna," I groan at the table in the Great Hall. Sirius just rolled his eyes at me before taking a bite out of his toast, Remus had his nose stuck in one of his books of course. James and Lily were currently doing something that involves the Perfects. The schedules were handed out by the Perfects and soon James and Lily came back to the table looking exhausted from their whatever they do. My schedule is pretty much the same thing as last year but the only difference was I was taking Muggle studies for a extra credit but everything was pretty much the same as last year.
"Do you have the same thing?" Sirius asked once he looked over his own schedule. I looked his over and saw that we had must classes together except for Muggle studies.
"Yep," I smiled softly at him making him smile also.
"Ready?" Sirius asked me once we were both done with our breakfast. I nodded and threw my shoulder bag over my shoulder and started making our way to the doors of the Great Hall. It was comforting to walk down the halls with Sirius by my side, it was comforting. We made it to History right one time surprising enough on the first day, Sirius and I sat in the back of the classroom while everyone took the seats in the front of the room. Professor Binns fly into the room with his hands behind his back and he stopped at the front of his desk before turning to face us.

"If you had me last year, congratulations to you because you have me this year as well. Now please turn to page one of your books and begin to read about the witch hunts in the 14th century," he droned on with his boring voice. With a sigh, I grabbed the large heavy textbook out of my bag and turned to the page and began to read unlike Sirius of whom just sat there staring into space.

"You should start reading," I whisper not looking up from the book.

"I should?" he grinned widely at me with his bright white teeth.

"Yeah." I say like it was the most dumbest question I ever heard of at this very moment. Sirius smirked down at me before going into his own bag and getting out his own copy of the book. We sat there silently reading about the Witch Hunts which was pretty insane if you ask me, soon the class ended and we made our way to Transfiguration class. The class was pretty much a review with all the things that we had learned over the past year but I didn't really care. Every class seemed to be the same from the pervious year except instead of having free time I traded it out for Muggle Studies and it was actually interesting. Surprising enough. My bag was filled to the brim with homework as I walked to the Great Hall, the only two sounds in the room was talking and forks dragging across the plates. I looked around the room trying to find my friends but then soon found them laughing at something Sirius said making me smile at them. As I walk over to the table Sirius looked up and meet my gaze and moved his bag off the bench for me.

"Where have you been?" he whispered in my ear after making myself a plate.

"Muggle Studies," I sigh looking up at him.

"Really?" he chuckles lowly.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Muggles are so boring," he sighs. "All they do is fight with each other, what is there to learn about them?"

"They have different cultures," I laugh before getting the famous smirk from Sirius. Lily and James come into the Hall looking very tired and aggravated as they sat down at the table.

"What's up with you?" Remus asked taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"I have realized the horror of the first years," James said wiping his hands on his robe.

"Oh really?" Sirius chuckled at his friend. "I thought you are the fearless James Potter."

"I am fearless!" James snapped trying to save his dignity. "There are so many of them, that's all."

"Right," Sirius said rolling his eyes. I just smile at the two before digging into the food that was on my plate, and then dinner was over as fast as it started. Sirius waited for me while everyone else walked out the Hall except us, he took my hand in his making me blush at the affect he had on me.

"I have missed you all day," Sirius whispers, pulling me closer to his side.

"Me too," I sighed as I gripped his hand a bit tighter as we walked down the now empty halls heading towards the common room. Just as we're about to enter the common room, he pulled me to the side and crashed his lips against mine. I smiled against his lips as our bodies seemed to melt against each others, I curled my fingers in his long, shaggy hair making him moan a bit.

"Would you guys get a room?" A familiar voice said breaking the kiss and there stood the Head Girl herself, Lily.

"Then can I sleep in your bed?" Sirius asked her, cocking an eyebrow. Lily rolled her eyes before entering the common room with Sirius and I right behind her.

"Good night, Scars," he whispered when we stopped in front of the girl's stairwell.

"Good night, Padfoot," I say before leaning and gently having one last kiss before going to bed. I walked to the room and found Lily already fast asleep and I wasn't to far behind.

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